Sunday, December 30, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Well what a wonderful year it has been!   We have all definitely tried to do our best, I think.

I hope that you have found something to be grateful for this week.  I most certainly have.

The winners this week are..

My Book-a-Day  Calendar - I am really terrible at keep up with any type of calendar. Whether is it a monthly, weekly, or daily calendar I am just craptastic at paying attention to them.  However, I am uber excited about this calendar.  I hope you are too.

Christmas Trees -  They really make me smile.   It doesn't matter what they look like, even if it is decorated in a way that I wouldn't necessary do myself, I love them just the same. I just love the excitement of decorating a Christmas tree and I imagine that excitement building up in other people as they are decorating.

Aida -  Is a patient of my brother.  Every year she sends me a planner via Corey and writes a beautiful message inside. This year she made me a gingerbread man house.  I've never met her but her annual kindess is something that I am grateful for.  For her just to think of me is very nice!

Christa's Health -  So I don't know about you but I am a crazy worrywart. I was probably more stressed over Christa delivering a baby than anyone else.  The baby is here and so is she!  Woot!

Levi Michael -  I am officially an aunt to two of the most gorgeous men in this world.  Levi arrived on December 27 at 11:04 pm.  It was a long day for all of us, especially Christa but he got here and he is handsome, happy, and healthy.

What are you thankful for?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Hello! Hello!  I hope that you have found things to be grateful for despite the chaos of world around you.

This week I am thankful for...

Having a Good Run -  I mean obviously I don't mean an actual run but the last few years have been good.  I can only hope that the future is just as delightful.

My Glasses -  You know I can't see smack without them.  I'm glad that I was able to get them and that they haven't been broken yet.   Cue breaking of the glasses.

Laughter -  I need it to survive like most people need food. 

Good Conversation -  It turns out that sometimes a conversation with old friends can make you feel a zillion times better. I'm glad I had a few of these in the last couple of days.

My Education -  It's going to take me places.  It already has! :)

Merry Christmas!!  

What are you thankful for?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

I was going to skip Thankful Thursday this week and a part of me thinks I still should skip it. I find it hard to be thankful for things during a day like today.  I feel like anything I would write would be utterly ridiculous   However I think a day like today is when TT is  more for me than for you guys.  I saw early this morning a quick thing from CNN about a shooting in CT but they had no information on it and I thought well maybe is isn't that bad.  I read that it was at an elementary school but I still had hope that it really wouldn't be too bad.   Within the hour I saw/read/heard how bad it was.  The actions of this one man will ripple into every single one of our lives, whether or not we like to admit it.  These poor families having to deal with overwhelming loss, never feeling safe walking into a school again, and, as with all of us, the feeling of being shocked, stunned, numb etc. I am finding it incredibly difficult to find anything to be thankful for that isn't brought on by today's events.  Being thankful for these things makes me feel selfish as I don't think it is just or kind to say "I am happy it wasn't my family,"  even though everyone is thinking it.  I am happy it wasn't my family but I would have gladly taken the place of one or all of those children if I could.

You all must know by now that I love little humans.  I love the wonder in their eyes, the kindness in their hearts, the laughter that whispers in every word they say and their smiles that cannot do anything else but put a smile on another's face.  I, like everyone else I'm sure, am having a terrible time with this.  I just keep thinking about the twenty kids that probably had no idea what was going on. I am thinking about what their mornings were like and if they had breakfast or tried to skip school today because it was too cold to get out of bed.  Maybe they were excited to get to school because it is so very close to Christmas and they were probably making some Christmas project today or this week.  While driving today I couldn't stop thinking of their laundry in their parents' washers and dryers, their beds probably left unmade and toys scattered around the house all waiting to be folded, made, picked up.  Favorite cereals and cookies and stuffed animals all reminding the families of how life should have continued on this typical Friday. I keep on thinking of Christmas presents.  The presents that have already been purchased for those kids and will be left unopened.  I think of stockings hanging by the stairs or the fireplace and silly Santas with cotton balled beards counting down the days to Christmas.

For some reason I hope that the children were coloring when it happened.  When I am stressed or sad I color.  I find it peaceful.  I know that their last moments weren't peaceful but right before the moment that hell broke loose I hope that they were just being kids.

I think of the parents still waiting.  The last time I watched the news (and this is why I don't watch the news but a massacre like this cannot be avoided or ignored) the reporter said the the bodies could not be removed from the school yet as the CSIs were still investigating.  I cannot imagine the hope that those parents who are still waiting must have - that their child is hiding in a closet or under a desk or maybe even found their way into the basement.  I am not even involved and I am hoping for a miracle situation like that.  With that being said, I cannot imagine the agony that those parents must be going through.  I would imagine that it is a type of situation where one would have to see their child in order to believe that the unthinkable happened. That waiting game is something that no one enjoys in everyday, non-important situations, never mind waiting to hear the worst news that you can hear in your lifetime. The pain I feel for these families, friends and the community of Newtown, CT is devastating and I have zero connection with them.

But, as I said, I find it necessary to be thankful today.

Safe Driving - I picked up Jacob from Lancaster today and while I was exhausted and preoccupied we got home safely.  He is my world and I am glad that tonight he is safe in his bed, arguing to get a new DS game.

Jacob's Simple Thoughts -  Of course, he doesn't understand what is going on and I am glad for that. When I picked him up, Jacob's dad and his girlfriend were filling me in on the details of what was released to the public while I was on my way down. Jacob wasn't paying attention but he couldn't ignore when I gasped "kindergarten!?!!?"  After I said this he put his hand on my cheek and said, "Don't worry. It wasn't at my school,"  and he smiled.

Obama Crying -  Dann, Jacob and I stopped at McDonald's on the way home and I requested to sit by the television so I could lose my appetite with each second of footage airing on tv about the shootings. While I was at the verge  of tears with every glimpse to the screen, I fought them because crying in McDonald's is not something anyone wants to do.  And also I felt as though I should not cry that I have no reason to and I should be strong for these other people. Then Obama came on.  Anyone could tell that the man was distraught from the get go.  But it was when he looked down and paused for longer than he probably planned to and began to wipe tears from his eyes that I felt as though it was okay to cry.  And I did.  I cried for the kids and their families. The teachers who saved lives, and those teachers who lost their lives saving others.  I cried for the community and the state of the country and world that it isn't an impossible thing to think that someone would actually go do this to innocent children. Just disbelief.

That All of My Loved Ones Came Home From School Today -  I have a billion connections to school communities.  From preschool to PhD students and teachers I know a plethora.  All of them made it home to their families and friends today.  Up until today I never worried about my mother's safety at school.  She teaches preschool nothing could really go wrong there, until today. My Jacob and my Lily are in elementary school and never did I have a concern but tonight I am terrified and thankful that they made it through the school day.

I don't care what religion you believe in or don't - say a prayer - send good wishes and positive vibes to that community tonight and every night as they try to make sense of this.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Hello Beautiful People! I hope that you've all had an absolutely wonderful week. This is the last TT that I will post in Liverpool until after Christmas (hopefully not the last one I will post in 2012 but it is a possibility that I will be absent from being so BUSY when I am at home.)  

So the winners are... 

That I Don't Want Anything for Christmas - A few weeks ago I said something about Christmas over a broken Skype connection to my mother and her response was "What do you want for Christmas?"  Not because she wanted to know but because she thought that I said that I wanted x for Christmas.   The conversation carried on with me telling her that she's nuts and her complaining that she can't hear me etc., etc.,  the usual. But later on, when Dann and I were making dinner, Bug asked me what I really wanted for Christmas and I had nothing.  I couldn't think of one thing that I would absolutely want for Christmas (with the exception of my TV on DVD yearly requests). I am thankful for not wanting anything this year because I believe that is a sign of me no longer expecting material things to make up for things that I am lacking in life.   I am so thrilled about this.  Finally, after so long, I have come to a point where I want nothing for Christmas.  I am so grateful for this.   However, don't be fooled.  I did tell Dann a few days later that if I had to get me something that sapphire earrings would do.  :) 

Colin Survived -  For those of you who do not know, my brother is a dentist and he has a crew of ladies that work in the office with him that I think are great.  One woman, Debbie, went to school with my mom and she has a son that may be about 22ish (may be younger).  On thanksgiving day Colin was running a marathon (I can't remember the name of the marathon right now) and ended up going into cardiac arrest while running. Lucky for him and all of us that many of the runners were doctors, nurses, EMTs etc.   When my brother told me what happened to Colin the next day, it completely sadden my entire day.  At the time he told me it wasn't looking very good for Colin.  Miraculously, Colin pulled through this and I believe he is also home from Gesinger.  I cannot be more grateful for this. 

That I Found Something to Give My Brother for Christmas - So if there is someone in my life that I would love to show my gratitude for it would be Corey.  The things that he has done for me my entire life can never be repaid and I would never be able to put into words how thankful/lucky/happy I am to have him as a brother.  Trust me, I know that there aren't many people who have a such brother like I do.  Every year I have trouble finding something to give to Corey for Christmas.  If you ask him what he would like for Christmas he says, "Save your money, we're in a recession," or something along those lines. And you can't really go into a store and pick something out for him because everything he wants he has. Yesterday while I was searching for a present for someone else, I came upon the funniest thing I've ever seen.  Well, funny if you are a Corey or an Autumn. I have LOLed every time I've looked at said gift.  Goodness after Christmas, I might even post it on here with a story explaining why it's so funny. I hope he finds it as funny as I do! 

Train -  The band not the transportation vehicle.   For reals, this little old band and I have known each other almost as long as I have known the Beatles. I think I was like many other people and fell for them when they came out with Meet Virginia.  I've loved everything that they put out.  I know every other person who likes Train probably started to like them because of their Save Me, San Francisco album, which is fine.  I think since they album their music is happier, peppier, poppier.  But that's okay. It makes me smile and they put on a good show.  They are playing in Manchester in next year if someone wants to get tickets. 

That Good Things Happen To Me -  So, this story is quite unbelievable if you're a Beatles/McCartney fan.   I am sure that most of you readers that are from America know that Saturday Night Live's musical star for the Christmas show is Paul McCartney.  And I am sure that most of you, unlike me, knew that you have to request tickets for SNL by joining some sort of lottery and hope that you win.  I was so sad when I learned this.  I would love to be that close to Macca.  I mean I don't know how close I'd be since I've never been to a live anything besides as concert with thousands and thousands of people.   Anyway, on Monday Alex, Dann and I were all at McDonald's while I was using some of their Wifi.  I noticed I had a message on Facebook.  Where I thought it was going to be my friend Krissy, it was not.  It was another friend who sent a rather long message asking me if I would like to take her tickets for the SNL show.  WHAT!?!??!?!?!  Does the Pope shite in the woods?  I asked myself.  (If you aren't Matt Cardona or Katie Brennan you aren't going to get that.)  I immediately began to shake, scream and slap Dann's arm out of excitement for this!   I mean sweet SNL! WOOT!  But goodness me!  PAUL McFreakingCARTNEY!  for free!  I cannot even express how thankful I am that these two thought of me.  I can never ever thank them enough!  :)

What are you thankful for?  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Well here we are in, what I think is, the first week of the holiday season.   If you celebrate, how was your Thanksgiving?  Did you think about everything that you have (or don't have) to be thankful for?  I knew you would.  I am very excited as I am going home in 13 days.  The doctor told my sister that she can go into labor any day so I am also super excited to meet Honey Bee.  He's going to be great. 
On with the thankfulness…

Twist and Shout - Yep. I am thankful for a song and I don't care what anyone has to say about that.  I think it was when Jacob was about three(ish) he and I were taking a ride in my car.  He loves to listen to the Beatles and I love to listen to the Beatles so we listen to the Beatles together - it's like our thing or something.  Well this particular day I was in a frustrated mood and I needed to scream. Jacob was stuck with me all day and I am sure that he wanted to scream.  So I rolled the windows up (so no one would think we were being harmed), turned the music up and said, "Jake, when the AHs come on, you can scream all you want."  And we did. When I am home, we still do. So, I haven't really shouted my way through this song in quite awhile but Sunday at the Cavern Club I found a way to relieve my Subterranean-Homesick-Blues, no not with Dylan blasting (that actually made me sadder) but rather with a bit of shouting while everyone else was twisting.  It turns out that no one can hear anyone above the AHs in T&S and screaming my face of relieved some stress that was laying heavy on my chest. "Primal Screaming," Tony from the Shakers said to me after the show.  Maybe Yoko did know what she was talking about?  Thank goodness those Beatles covered this song or I might be in a huge funk!

Pen & Paper -  I know that I am the Queen of Technology and I always need to have the latest and greatest but I'll tell you something: I hate "writing" on a computer.  I know that many people use blogs for journals, which is great, but I just hate it.  To me there is just something powerful in holding a pen and scribbling your thoughts out on paper. There are no red squiggly lines screaming at you when you spell something wrong or blue lines subtly letting you know that there is something wrong with this sentence, no it does not matter to that blue line if there is more meaning if the sentence is this way.  Microsoft Word does not agree with the sentence therefore neither can I, the author who is feeling these emotions. I genuinely love the authenticity that a handwritten - scribbled over - words misspelled,crossed out and still left misspelled - piece of work can give a reader.  When I die, you might want to get a possession of one of my journals.  Some good stuff is in there! 

Amanda Silva Metro - I have already been thankful for her before but I don't care I am thankful for her again.  She is one of my closest friends and my psychiatrist. As every friend serves a different purpose in life, she is that person that never tells me to shut up or ignore the way I feel about something and she goes above and beyond anyone's expectations in regards to listening to a friend. She calms me down in most situations and helps me to understand why I am feeling a certain way.  She's kind of like my de-funker. 

George Harrison, The Quiet Beatle -  For real, if I ever had to choose my second favorite Beatle, I think it would be George.  The only reason I don't choose is because that would leave Paul next to Ringo and I can't really say I dig Ringo all that much or even entertain the idea that McCartney's talent is near Ringo's level. Anyway, I love George.  I love the simplicity in his ways. I am thrilled to bits that he ended  up in the Beatles or he might have just been some guy stumbling around Liverpool selling perfumes and watches when cops aren't looking!  However, I would never know because I am quite confident that if the Beatles, as the world knew them (including Ringo), didn't exist, that I wouldn't make it to Liverpool.  What would my reasoning be?  I digress.  I love Harrison's work in the Beatles "Something" (obviously) "A Northern Song"  (since I live in the north of England, that song is way funnier) are a few of my favorite Beatles songs, even though that list is mostly dominate by Lennon songs.  And I think that Harrison's solo work is just as, if not more, impressive as McCartney's.  I probably listen to Harrison's solo work the most out of all three of them (Lennon, Macca and Harrison).  I dig him. I am happy that he existed.  

My Upcoming Cold - I can feel it coming.  And I'm not mad about it. I want it here and gone by the time I get on the plane to Pennsylvania to meet Mr. Honey Bee.   So, Universe, I'd like to thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.  

What are you thankful for? 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I spent this week reflecting on everything that has happened in one year and the changes that occurred take my breath away. (You may imagine an 80s flick and that's okay with me.)  Naturally, I will not be celebrating Thanksgiving this year (but here's looking at you, 2013!) so I have decided to spend my time writing a nice little TT for your post-turkey, during halftime, thumbing- through- Black Friday -ads reading. 

So on this fine November day I would like to express my gratitude for the following…

My Nana's Health - I cannot even begin to share how thankful I am that Nana is doing even better than when I left for Liverpool the first time.  Although, it wasn't looking good during the summer, my mother tells me that Nana is doing very well and even went to the casino last week.  When I went home in May I was not expecting to see Nana the way she was.  It shocked and terrified me and I am almost positive I left her crying.  So this news of her doing so well is such a weight of worry off of my mind, I am so grateful for this improvement. 

That I Told Dann That He Was An Idiot -  Around this time last year Dann had this brilliant idea to go on a date with some chick. I told him he was an idiot for doing so.  He asked me why and I told him because you are choosing the Rolling Stones when you could have The Beatles.  He didn't get it then either.  The next day he said "If you are talking about the Beatles and Rolling Stones thing I still don't understand," when I told him I wasn't talking to him.  I'd like to say he had it all figured out with that but he didn't and it took many more hints for him to get the idea that I adored him through his head.  A year later I'd say I'm okay with calling him an idiot.  He's my favorite guy in all the land.  I'm happy I took the chance and that he ultimately realized the Beatles have contributed more to R&R than the Stones have. Good choice, Allan. 

That All Of My Friends Seem To Be In A  Pretty Good Spot -  Although we all have our things that we complain about, everyone I am close to really has no reason to do so (even myself).  I know that there are things that even I would like to change but I honestly cannot say that many of my friends can tell me that they had a hard year (with the exception of two).  They all have their health and their happiness, even for one who may not be so happy, she found peace in her unhappiness and she is working on that.  So, yes, friends, we made it. Woohoo.  Pat yourself on the back.

That I Have People To Miss - For me, it's halfway through Thanksgiving Day.  I'll admit it - I'm pretty sad.  I  miss my family and my friends in America.  I even miss my sister's bickering over things that cannot be controlled.  I certainly miss some of the foods that are just not available or known in Liverpool, you'd be surprised.  As I am sitting in my flat writing this blog the clock is annoying me because I know that so many dinners are starting at this time.  It's always a tight squeeze on Thanksgiving because I feel I need to make a stop here, there and everywhere in order to see everyone.  Of course the fact that each places has certain delicious foods certainly makes this stopping imperative.   With all that being said, I can be as sad as a bear who doesn't have a drop of honey to share or a I can be as happy as a little bee with a whole honeycomb to myself because I have all of these traditions, the foods, and the people to miss.  I am lucky to have the wonderful people in my life who I have the opportunity to miss.  Imagine being that person that has no one and no one to miss!  Kind of like Scrooge, minus the wealth.

Traditions -  It didn't occur to me while these things were taking place over the years but it seems to be that even the most dysfunctional family holds traditions.  Since it didn't occur to me that these things were happening, I can also say that I didn't know I would miss it one day.  Like watching football on Thanksgiving, who'd knew I'd miss that?! But here I am thankful that they exist.  Watching the clock thinking of what I would be doing at this time and I know I would be doing said things because they became tradition to do so.  I find myself laughing at the idea of going through Black Friday ads claiming we would wake up and go and finally get out of the house at two o'clock in the afternoon  to get more whipped cream for pies.  The tradition of my mother making a pie just for me still appears to be my favorite tradition.  J 

I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
And for those of you crazy enough to venture out and go shopping tomorrow/tonight:  Godspeed.

What are you thankful for??

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday!!

When the day is done and the stars are out, all that matters is that I lived each moment to the fullest.  Grateful to be able to do it all again tomorrow.  - Uncredited Facebook photo.

Is it just me or is time flying right by?  I feel like every time I turn around it's Thursday. Nevertheless, I am thankful.

This week I found myself recognizing or re-recognizing my gratitude for...

The Remastered Beatles Anthology - You know the one that iTunes came out with two years agoish.  The songs sound totally different and there are still things - technically almost twenty years after I heard the songs  for the first time - that I am hearing for the first time in these versions of the songs. Whether it's the grain of the voice or a laughter in the background or even the clarification of a word I thought was a different word the whole time, it is a learning experience.  And you know what the bottom line is?  That this remastered collection just sounds good. I'm happy it happened.

Paul McCartney's Week that Was -  So last week (or possibly the week before but internet is butt and I  just read all of this) Macca had quite the week!  I am pretty grateful for all of it. To start he let Yoko off the hook. THANK THE UNIVERSE FOR THAT ALREADY! For those of you who live under a rock and do not know what I am speaking of, the hook that Yoko was hanging from was the story of Yoko breaking up the Beatles. Although I don't like her - that much-  it is ridiculous to me that people really thought she broke up the Beatles. I will not get into the nonsense on this page, but maybe I will do it over at Chasing Dreams. Then, apparently, his helicopter almost crashed?! The pilot had a difficult time controlling the helicopter in bad weather but gained control just in time. Obviously I am happy about this.  I don't look forward to that inevitable news coming along anytime soon. Here is the link for that one!  Macca Helicopter

Made Beds -  Maybe I am getting old, maybe I am just catching up to the real world but I absolutely love getting into a bed that is made. This is something new for me because I never cared for because I was only going mess it anyway.  Although Dann couldn't care any less about a made bed he does make the bed for me every night.  Good husband skills right there :)

That My Program is Over - For a while there, I loathed Liverpool.  I missed the Beatles in a way that I didn't even understand and I couldn't wait to get home.  I liked to listen to the Beatles  more while I was in Scranton than I did in Liverpool.  But now that the program is over I am much happier. I actually got a smidge sad when I realized that I wouldn't always be able to go to the Cavern Club to enjoy my Sunday.  Being in the program definitely took me away from the fun part of being in Liverpool.  It was harder than I thought it would be but I picked up some knowledge along the way and knowledge is power!

Marvel Avengers -  Yeah, I've always loved boy type toys like Batman and Ghostbusters.  How I never got involved with the Marvel side of things I don't know.  Wait!  I can actually blame that on Spiderman because I hate Spiderman and his stupid spiderlike things. However the Birthday Fairy brought Dann the Marvel Avengers Box Set and I am reaping the benefits of that.  Iron Man makes my day and Thor makes my life. If you didn't watch them, you need to. If you refuse to, you're silly.

Also, I am thinking about doing another blog about wedding planning from a wheelchair point of view. I am hoping that from my posts I will get suggestions for alternative methods and approaches to traditional wedding festivities.   What do you think?


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Thursday

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.”
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Talk about a crazy week, huh? Election night was intense; Facebook blew up with so much hostility it was absurd.  But here we are.  We survived another election and we can take a break from campaign ads for a little while, so I guess we should all be thankful for that.   

This week I am thankful for.... 

The Fact that Obama Didn't Win By One Vote -  For reals, someone, who shall not be named, told me that if Obama wins by one vote that they would not speak to me for four years!  Imagine the stress I had on my shoulders when I was being blackmailed to vote for Romney by being threatened with, gasp!,  a cut off of communication.  I was informed that my absentee ballot would be counted something like ten days after the election, which makes no sense to me, (and I could have read it wrong) so I didn't end up voting anyway, but I was sure hoping that the gap was wider than one vote. Phew.  Close call there.  You may think I am being funny but at least I know that I don't have to hear this person chirp in my ear for the next four years.  Goodness me! The next four years are going to be exciting and I need this person to talk to me.  
That My Laptop Doesn't Weigh One More Pound -  This thing is ginormous.  It's utterly ridiculous in size and weight.  It's very hard for me to type at a desk so I pretty much always have this thing on my lap.  It kills me.  I am so glad it isn't any heavier than it is because I feel like this is the cause of most of my leg pain.  Especially while I was researching and doing my dissertation  it was terrible. So yeah thankful that his is only 1,000 lbs and not 1,001. 

That I Wasn't Bullied -  My graduating class was known for being a good group of kids.  I remember my English teacher telling us that she told the senior year teachers how fantastic we were and that she was sad to see us go, then she ended up teaching us as seniors anyway.  Although, kids were kids and people were picked on, I think it could have been worse for everyone.  For me especially.  Overall, everyone was pretty kind. Of course, there were a few who weren't and naturally it's nice to see them not as attractive and appealing to the general public as they were ten years ago.  But high school could have been very different for me and a few other people.  I'm glad that I can be proud of where I came from.  I hope you are too. 

Christmas Songs -  I cannot wait to get home for Christmas.  I am so excited for the baby to arrive that I can burst.  Not to mention I miss my Love Bug like you wouldn't believe.  These Christmas tunes help me get in the spirit of things that are almost two months away.  I can't wait to go home and see everyone have and have crap food from the diners that litter Scranton.  My mouth waters just thinking about it.  I've been listening to Christmas songs since the middle of October.  I am not ashamed. 

Dann's Family - Yesterday we celebrated Bug's birthday. It was nice and warm and welcoming. His family also took the time to celebrate our engagement, which is nice because I am so far away from home the excitement of it is kind of absent from Livepool.  Well, unless you count Esmee and Jasmine, it is.  We got pretty cards and thoughtful gifts.  Pft.  It was his birthday and I got presents.  This could be the start of something good. :) 

What are you thankful for? 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

“I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.” - Woody Allen

What a wild week this has been! I remember wondering what I would be thankful for this week as I finished up last week's issue of TT.  Well, naturally, life has handed me a few things to be thankful for. 

The things I am thankful for this week are... 

That My Friends and Family (and you) Are All Safe - It really difficult to be involved in any type of disaster (obviously).  But Ms. Sandy definitely put me through some stress over the weekend because I was so far away from everyone (and happy to be so far away) when all of the madness and chaos of Sandy was going on.  I cannot even imagine the damage that she did to the East Coast as she sat there for two days. I am so extremely grateful that everyone is safe.  I hope that everyone you know is safe as well and that there is no or little damage to their homes.   

Tim McGraw - I've always had a thing for Tim McGraw.  His music makes me smile, for the most part, and he seems like a good guy.  He contributes to many charities and I like to see things like that. He is actually the artist sparked my interest in country music and it is one of my favorite genres.  Yeah, I'm happy he is around.   

The Samwises and Ron Weasleys of the World - There aren't many of these kind of people around.  In fact, I don't even know if I could consider myself a type of this person.  But these guys are good.  They are honest and noble, kind and patient, caring and selfless. You know, they chase after spiders for their best friends, which is probably where I will fail at ever being like these blokes.  But I am thankful for those of them that do exist in the world. 

I Freaking Passed My Dissertation/Thesis - For real, I never had a such a feeling of not passing something before like I did in the last month.  Well, I got word today that I passed! Woot!  Could you imagine if I didn't pass and I had to tell my brother that I didn't gain anything in Liverpool besides a fiancé

That Everyone Has Reacted Well to the Exciting News of Daniel and Autumn! - The overwhelming amount of support and well wish that have come our way in the last five days is amazing. I could not believe that this many people even paid attention to us. For all of your kind words, we both thank you very much.

Can you believe he is actually crazy enough to marry me?  Sucker. 

What are you thankful for?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Limitless, Undying Love

Well let me tell you a story...

There was a girl from Pennsylvania who met a boy from England.  They were both studying at university; she a degree in the Beatles, Popular Music and Society and he was earning a degree in Media.  They lived next door to each other and would often see each other because he would come over to flirt with all the ladies and offer to take out the garbage and do manly things around the flat.

One day she said, "Let's go to the movies." He said, "Okay. Go on then."

Like any relationship these two got off to an interesting start. He decided it would be brilliant to go on a date with some chick. She told him that he was an idiot for doing so.  He went on said date and started to be that chick's boyfriend.  She said, "It's like you're picking the Rolling Stones when you could have the Beatles."  After a few days of trying to figure out what the girl meant, he decided to dump the other chick for a chance with this lady.  

It was with this decision that the lady said, "I don't want you to see any other girls." He agreed to the terms and a few days later said, "Well, I don't want you to see any other boys."  She chuckled and said, "Okay."  As if any other boys were more interesting to her than he was.

Fast Forward through the months: They fall in love; she visits his family and friends; he goes to America to meet everyone she knows. They laugh and love.  The writer would say that they fight but they don't because he already knows that she is always right.

Halloween Season came around and they dressed as Jack and Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.  Everyone said how awesome they looked.  She knew it was because they were awesome together and it had nothing to do with the costumes. But Halloween is her favorite time of year so she just thanked everyone and attributed the awesome costumes to her enthusiasm for Halloween.

He told her that there was a Halloween Parade on the Sunday before Halloween. Since she's never been to an actual Halloween Parade she was more than willing to go.  When they arrived to the park they were at the tail end of the parade which looked quite amazing.  They found a  bench near the lake and sat down in order to watch the lanterns and fire that were actually on the lake (looked very cool).  The couple had their close friends around.  She is quite in love with Halloween so she encouraged everyone to come along.

The fireworks were starting. She doesn't really remember much of the show, except that there were guys in boats with fish hats on who lit red flare-like fireworks. She took it upon herself to sit on the backrest of the bench, it gave her a better view. He sat where a person, who isn't up to mischief, should sit which was on the bench.

Yes, the red flare-like things were starting.  She leaned close to him, most likely to annoy him, that's what she does best.  As she did, he turned to her and said, "Well, since it's peaceful and everything, I guess I'll do it now," as he pulled out a dark box (the writer would like to note it was black but at the time this was only known to the boy). The girl felt her eyes pop out of her head. She said, "Right now?!"  He said, "Yes. Will you marry me?" (The dialogue was spoken in this order as this is how she reacts to things.)  She brought her hands to her face and tears came to her eyes, this is about the time that she noticed people were watching, and said, "Yes. Yes.  Forever, yes."

So, my friends, there you have it, happily ever after may be on its way. :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Well, hello beautiful people!   I hope that everyone has had a delightful week! I know I did!  :) Halloween is fast approaching and our Halloween bash is Friday.  I am so disgustingly excited. Don't worry, I still took time to smell the roses this week and I have much to be thankful for. 

The winners are.... dum.. dum... dum...

That My Costume Arrived on Time -  Do you know what's lame?  I'll tell you.  Having a Halloween Extravaganza and not having a Halloween costume.  That's lame! Lolly mailed the costumes like two weeks ago and we just got them yesterday.  Talk about the nick of flipping time! I am happy we got the in time because the last thing I wanted to do was go looking for a costume before the party.  However, I cannot find my fake eyelashes and I'm a bit peeved about that. Tony, Tony please come around... 

That Election Day is Almost Over -  Goodness Gracious!  For the Love of the Universe I cannot wait until this is over.  I hate the bickering on Facebook/Twitter and other social media over what candidate should win.  If you want a good president, vote for Jacob Black.  He seems to have his crap together although he has a bit of an anger issue. I wonder what people will post once the election is over.  And to those of you who are posting constantly: YOU BETTER VOTE!  I don't care who you vote for.  It's your American right to vote for who you see fit.  But if you are constantly shoving your political views down someone's throat then your arse better remove itself  from the seat it is in and vote. The thing I hate about election years is the hostility towards everyone.   So, you, yeah, you, do yourself a favor and listen to what your mama told you.  Do not discuss religion or politics at the dinner table.      Or any table.   And thank the Universe that this season is almost over! 

Nail Polish Remover -  As insignificant as this is I am, currently, enormously thankful for nail polish remover.  I did such a bad job on these bad boys today that I am embarrassed of myself. and honestly when does that happen?

The Safe Arrival of Cole Phoenix Carota -  Back in March when Jenn came to visit me, she almost immediately told me she was pregnant.  This was great news since she miscarried the last time she was pregnant.  On Saturday, Mr. Cole was born and he is a cute little button.  She had a quick labor, or so it seemed by the Facebook messages that I was getting, and he was a big baby!  I am happy that he is here safe and sound. 

My Sister, Phaedra -  For some this may be a shock.  Hell for me it's even a shock.  Phaedra and I are really hardly ever friends. We just don't see things the same way and it's always been that way.  However, distance makes the heart grow fonder or at least the mind recognize things that may have been overlooked before. Obviously, I am forever in her debt because she has given me a Jacob.  When my life was lacking a Jacob, I was no where near as happy as I am now.  My universe revolves around that boy.  Phae and I, we have had our differences, I can't even pretend to deny that, but there is no doubt in my mind that she'd defend me to anyone if I needed defending.  Likewise, I can bark at her all day long for things that annoy me about her but if someone else did it, they'd hear it from me.  As I am so far away from everything as so detached from everyone, I only have Facebook to communicate or check up on people and I noticed this guy was giving Phaedra a hard time about her faith in Jesus.  This annoyed because the Jesus thing works for Phae and I am a big believer in letting people have a freedom to practice their own faith and believe in what they want. Anyway, dude was going on and on about how there is no Jesus and then proceeded to speak of this Ra character and that he carried the Sun or some nonsense like that.  So that's when it hit me and I realize this jerkoff was bullying my sister and I left some words of wisdom. Even though I wanted to remind them both that it is neither Jesus or this Ra fellow that holds the Sun as it would burn their fingers and neither one of them gave it to us... it's just a big ball of gas chilling in space, I didn't do that.  I told this man to get lost and post that crap on his own wall! I remember one time my mom had to get  up and go somewhere really early when I was in middle school, it was Phae's job to make sure I got my arse to school in one piece.  Goodness! My ponytail was on the top of my head like I was a genie, she let me wear one of her shirts... which at that point in time it was the best thing ever. Hindsight, if any part of the 90s didn't treat me well, it was that outfit.  But at the time it was cool.  Yeah, Phaedra gave me complexes, like any sister would. In fact, she's the reason I am obsessed with my eyebrows!  But I remember anytime she handed me a compliment it meant way more to me than any other compliment that anyone could give me. All in all, she's all right.  She has her flaws as I have mine, (chuckles, "I don't have flaws.") but I'm glad I know her. I send good vibes out to the Universe regularly that she stays well. 

Maybe I should be president!  I think I handled that Jesus/Ra thing quite well!  

What are you thankful for? 


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Hello there!  I hope that this late edition of Thankful Thursday finds you well. I do apologize for the second consecutive delay in getting this post to you.    The truth of the matter is that my internet is terrible... along with my hot water supply and my heat.

Anyway, thankful, thankful, thankful am I! This week............ 

Dependable Internet -  No joke, I have had to sit in a room with no heat (which isn't even my room) in order to speak to my mother and get this week's TT to you.  The internet at the lathbury house is so terrible.  It's been down since Friday afternoon and typically goes down every night.  When it does work, it takes forever to load a single page.  I couldn't even access my school's library page.  All of those times where I thought my internet was terrible seem absolutely blissful as of late.  I can't understand why the landlord can't get his stuff together, call the companies that need to be called and get the internet working.  For the love of the universe, give me a break!

Pop Tarts -  For reals, when was the last time you've had a pop tart?  Brennan and I loved the gooey wonder and it was a while since I had them.  I stumbled upon some while shopping at England's Wal*Mart and... Goodness me!  They are delicious.  I enjoy that they are just as tasty cold as they are warm.... I don't know if cold is the correct term for how I eat them but who really cares.  Pop tarts are mighty convenient as well, just have a nice cup of milk with it and you are set for a great morning.

Buses - Okay listen, public transportation is not my favorite thing.  But I live relatively far from town.  Although a bus journey is a bit longer than a taxi ride, I get on the buses for free and Dann gets a crazy student discount.  And I mean free!  Who can really complain about that?

Pleasant Surprises  - Sometimes I find myself set on a negative outcome.  Not for any special reason besides the fact that I am utterly pessimistic when it comes to my own life.  Once in a while things happen the complete opposite way of what I expected.  Happened twice this week.  Made me a happy lady!  

Great Expectations -  Not the literary classic, but rather those hopes, dreams, or goals you anticipate happening or becoming a reality. I am thankful for these things because I think if you have extraordiniary expectations then you work harder to achieve them. Example:  I have expectations that I will be constantly awesome therefore I work very hard to achieve that awesomeness.

HAHA who am I kidding? I was born this way! :)

What are you thankful for?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

It doesn't matter if the glass is half empty or half full. Be thankful that you have a glass and grateful that there's something in it. - Unknown

I do apologize for the inexcusable delay in TT this week (or last week?)  I had a dissertation to complete (and start).  I guess that is kind of a good excuse. :)  Naturally, I have things to  be grateful for.  I hope that you do too. 

That Eddie Harrison is Cancer Free! - Eddie is the lead singer of the Shakers.  The band that a group of us go to see play every Sunday night in the Cavern Club. The last time we saw Eddie performing was in March.  It was when Jenn came to Liverpool for a visit.   Then,  he was just gone.  After a few weeks the news was broken to us that he was diagnosed with cancer.  We were a devastated bunch. Constant support flooded Eddie's Facebook page sending prayers, thoughts, and positive vibes his way.  Well, since the last Thankful Thursday, we received news that after seven months of nonsense, Eddie is cancer free.  We could not be happier!  I shouted when I saw the news and happy tears started to run down my cheeks. Esmee texted me sharing her excitement. For Eddie's clean bill of health, I am most thankful for this week. 

Hot Water - So this place that I am living in is not the nicest place in the world. I mean it isn't terrible by any means and I have a roof over my head but a constant supply of hot water isn't that much to ask for!  I had to take an ice cold shower the yesterday.  While I was miserable about that, today's incredibly hot water was so pleasant.  It reminded me how grateful we should all be for hot, clean water. 

Falling Leaves - The building where I live now has a pretty huge "garden"  (yard) surrounding it. It is sort of heavily wooded. It gives me a small taste of fall in America.  When Dann and I are waiting for taxis, I can't help but accept that the falling leaves around us give me an incredibly feeling of peace (and organized chaos).  There is just something freeing about a vibrantly colored leaf falling to the ground that I adore. You should be thankful for them, too.  Just be careful when driving around in the rain this time of year :) 

Bedbug -  I just think he's great.  Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for him in someway.  Of course, not a day goes by that he doesn't drive me insane.  If he'd just pick up his darn socks. 

That My Dissertation is Completed - Listen, it may not be great. But I did close to 16K words in three and a half days.  It's done.  I am happy.  

What are you thankful for?  

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Always remain grateful for your friends, even during election years.

It is a late edition, dear friends! I do apologize for the delay.  I just realized that for Russia all of my Thankful Thursdays are actually Thankful Fridays and he/she misses the alliteration!  Hmmm... maybe I should get this done earlier from now.  Chuckles. 

This week has been a long one! I was freaking sick as sick can be and there was nothing done with my flat! Talk about frustrating.  However, I do have things to be thankful for! 

That I Can Hide People on Facebook -  I know it sounds rude but sometimes I just don't have a choice. Either someone posts about Jesus all of the time or the other guy is posting about much they don't believe in Jesus all of the time. Now that the election is five seconds away my FB is full of political crap that I don't want to see, unless it's funny.  You vote for the guy that best suits you and I'll do the same. Then we have the people who are like OMG I broke up with my boyfriend for the 4,035th time I want to dive into a tub of chocolate and eat my worries away.  Yeah, I hide people. I'm not afraid to say it.

Dryers - So apparently in Liverpool it makes sense to provide washers but no dryers. This is interesting because what are people going to do, hang their clothes out in the rain to dry?  As Dann and I litter our rooms with wet clothes regularly, I find myself remembering fondly all of those minutes waiting for dryers to stop so I could fold my nice, warm, freshly washed and dried clothes.  Those were the days. I am very excited for the time when dryers are back in my life.

Alan - This is an old man from my faux flat.  He and another man are pretty much refurbishing the building on their own.  The first day I met Alan he told me that he went to school with Paul McCartney. Even though I wasn't here for a year at this point, I knew that everyone went to school with Paul McCartney.  I am thankful for Alan because this guy gets stuff done for me.  I mean it's at his own pace and all but what can you do.

Van Morrison - For reals, this guy just soothes your soul.  I was in Costa today with Alex and "Days Like This" started to play in the speakers above our conversation and instantly I was in a chipper mood.  I was singing and tapping the table along to the song.  If you don't know who Van Morrison is get your arse on to Spotify and play him.  You will thank me for this later! Then you can do your own TT and be thankful for my generous donation of music suggestions.

The a Chapter Has Closed - So recently I found out that a final chapter in a short story of my life has closed (that should have closed a long, long time ago).  I was shocked that this happened but once the shock wore off, I was thrilled that it was over.  Woohoo! It was like major writer's block and we were all waiting for the ending.  I am quite relieved and I feel like there has been a humongous weight lifted off of my shoulders. Sweet.

So what are you thankful for?

And remember: Tell your mama for thank you for raising you.  Do a kind act today (every single day). Love your neighbor (and your mama) not because Jesus told you to do it, but because you don't want them stealing your Sunday paper this week!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

"Be thankful when you don't know something; it gives you the opportunity to learn. Be thankful for the difficult times; during those times you grow. Be thankful for your limitations; they give you opportunities for improvement. Be thankful for each new challenge, which will build your strength and character. Be thankful for your mistakes; they will teach you valuable lessons. It's easy to be thankful for the 'good' things. Yet a life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are thankful for setbacks."

Hello everyone!  I have decided that this week I will be thankful for the "bad" things in my life.  Yesterday I was asked which life experience was most influential in regards to the person I am today.  I looked at the lady and was astounded that she really thought I can narrow down one thing that led me to this day, this moment. Obviously, I couldn't answer that question and I told her that.  I told her there were too many things in my life, good and bad, that brought me here. So as I was unsuccessfully falling to sleep last night, I went through a list of things that have happened or are happening that were/are pretty craptastic and brought me here today.  

I hope it is as funny to you as I think it is... 

That I Get the Dark & Twisties - Some people my not like being depressed or uneasy or anxious but, for the most part, I enjoy it.  I mean not when it lasts for two weeks and you're reciting commercials for anti-depression pills in your head and you're more miserable than a panda who had his last bamboo stick eaten by the mean, fat other panda that is a bully to everyone in the pack (I don't even know if pandas live in packs), but when I find myself in funk for a day or two I don't mind. In those moments I laugh at myself and the things that have happened along the way and I reflect. And I write.  I enjoy writing. I may be awful at it but I like it just the same.   So I am grateful for those dark & twisties, for the words and comedy that come out of it. Being broken isn't always awful, if you learn to embrace it and let it be. 

Break Ups - Break ups are funny things especially in the days we live in.  I actually don't know if I ever had a face to face break up.  With technology these (and those) days it is easy to take the intimacy out of any relationship.  I imagine the best break up was via an instant message on America Online.  That in itself was comedic after we were together for so long but also, over time, it freed me to do things that I never thought I would.  At those points in my life I was convinced I would never bounce back. (Honestly who the H was I kidding?  I always bounce back!) As cliched as it sounds, I am okay with those break ups (more than okay) because through those mishaps I was able separate what I want from what I need.  I learned that honesty is way more important than a guy who has a fast car and respect is worth more than any amount of money that a guy could spend on me.  Through the aftermaths of break ups I developed a part of my backbone that, I think, could only be developed through break ups. I could be wrong of course, but I have no other experience than getting the carpet pulled out from underneath me and having to stand on my own two feet again.  I don't know if you noticed but I'm not the best at standing anyway.  However, I am also grateful that my relationship with break ups is over as I am blissfully happy with Dann and if he would just ask me to freaking get married I'd invite you all to the wedding. :) 

That My Dad Was Absent - Yeah. I am not afraid to admit it. He wasn't there.  And when he was it was a reminder that it was better when he wasn't.  He isn't a bad guy by any means. I do love him and I am happy he's mine.  It could have been way worse.  I could have had a dad who beat the crap out of me.  I just had a dad who would rather be elsewhere.  But looking back, I don't really mind it.  I don't know if I would have changed it if I could. Maybe to relieve some financial stress but even that wasn't too bad.  If anything I think it made us a stronger family.  As I get older I realize more and more how amazing my mother is do to everything she did and how lucky we all are to have my nana.  Those two ladies made up for everything my father lacked.  My mom didn't miss a beat with four children, a bazillion jobs and for a good two years did a master's degree.  She's amazing. She's showed me to never give up and there is no burden to heavy to carry.  I am woman, hear me roar. 

All of the Companies Who Haven't Hired Me - This one is interesting.  I know some of you may think that I say this because I do not want to work. That, my friends, could not be any farther from the truth.  Through every "you were unsuccessful" or "we feel like you aren't qualified"  the desire to become employed has just grown stronger and my motivation is so freaking crazy I hardly recognize myself when I applying and interviewing for jobs.  I am more anxious to get back into teaching than anything but right now I would like any job. So when I don't get accepted for a job, I just tell myself that I will send out more applications, redo the cover letter, tweak the resumes and smile a bit brighter in the next interview.  If there is anyone who knows about not giving up it's me.  

Autumn's Disease -  So whatever is wrong with me is still undiagnosed. I have a feeling that it is probably going to stay that way.  If it does stay that way then this conundrum that I live with will be named after me (fancy, aye?). For those of you who don't know, I was the first person born with this condition (I honestly don't even know what to call it) and there are about four other people who have it. The doctors used their experience with me to treat them. When I was born, the doctors had no clue what to with me.  They told my mom that I wouldn't live to see a week. Since that time, they told her to start planning a funeral for me more times than any parent should be told.  By the time I was like six I survived four cardiac arrests and something like eleven respiratory arrests. My muscles suck.  My body isn't straight, at all.  I can't really stand for longer than ten seconds ( on a good day).  I may be able to walk twenty feet one day and not even be able to go from the bed to a chair the next day (which is called a bad day). Someone who worked at the gym asked me what my goal is for my brother's wedding.  I know she was referring to a weight goal but my response to her was, "To not be weak that day," as every day is unpredictable.  Kind of crazy, aye?  I could be mad about it, but why?  There is nothing I can do to change it so I live my life and do what I can do with what I have. Quite honestly, I do more than most people do.  I see more of the world than others.  I push myself harder because I have to and I am a helpful person because I know what is like to need help, just a bit of understanding can go a long way.  I am no better than anyone reading this and I don't want anyone to think that I am trying to say that.  But what I am trying to say is that if I wasn't born with this unsolvable algebra equation, I might have ended up just being ordinary. Just living life as if I wasn't lucky to be alive, as if it couldn't be taken away from me at any second, as if each day that passes would be easier than the next. I know that those ideas aren't a part my life.  I know that I am lucky and I am grateful if I can feel a bad day coming the night before because then I am not as discouraged as I am when bad day hits me unexpectedly. 
 I am grateful for this life because not many people believed that I would come this far or that I would do what I do. My mom was even told that she wouldn't be able to take care of me and that I should go to a facility that I could be taken care of (thank God that she didn't listen!) and she was also told that I wouldn't be able to go to school and have to be home schooled. Pft. Now I go to school in England, suckas.  So for a long time now I've just been surprising people with what I do. Actually, while I was home over the summer, a patient of Corey's turned out to be a doctor that wouldn't "see" me when I was a baby.  Not because he didn't want to but simply because he didn't know what to do with me.  In all reality no one can really blame him for it. My mom couldn't find health insurance for me because I used up an astronomical amount of coverage on the insurance we had when I was first born (or something like that).  Anyway, the doctor that Corey was seeing recognized the last name and remembered me.  Corey told him that I am indeed his sister and told him I was doing well and living in merry old England.  This doctor was shocked at the news  and apparently he got chills over the news of my survival, never mind surviving I am living a great life, and apologized to Corey over and over again for not being able to take care of me way back in the mid 80s. So in a way I am glad that I was dealt this life.  I am constantly surprising people, I am always grateful for the things I can do and I hope that there are at least a few people that I do inspire.  Even if it just  my imaginary friend, who, quite honestly, has been getting on my nerves lately (dark and twisties!). And sometimes, I think I am kind of extraordinary and that's kind of cool.  

What are you thankful for? 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. – Charles Dickens

Well hello there, happy readers! I apologize for missing TT last week.  Dann and I didn't find internet in Greece until Sunday.  I highly doubt that you are going to hold it against me as I was on vacation. It was wonderful in case you are wondering.  Naturally, I have things to be thankful for! 

Positive Facebook Pages -  I've realized in the last week that I really benefit from these types of pages on Facebook. You know the ones like  Positively Positive  or The Sunshine Page  which fill your news feed with good thoughts.  As I stated earlier, there was no internet access in Greece and I was really missing that part of Facebook.  I know I probably seem like a nut but there is no better place to think of everything that could go wrong in life than an beautiful beach in the Greek Islands. I am thankful for the people who take time to spread a little sunshine across Facebook. 

Dave Matthews Band - I don't know if I have expressed my gratitude for DMB on here before but I suppose it is okay to do it again.  I absolutely love this band.  Whatever I am feeling at any moment there is a song that I can relate to somewhere in DMB's catalogue, quite similar to those Beatles you might have heard of before. The concerts are amazing.  I will admit that they aren't for everyone.  DMB is definitely a jam band and if you are crazy about words (which I am, so it shocks me that I love them like I do) then you may not like to go to a concert of theirs but if you can just give yourself some patience to listen to the music and wait for the words, they will make you smile. Or make you feel.  That's the thing I spent years disliking DMB because it was so sad to listen to them. Although their radio singles were really happy, I really didn't hear them that way. The way I see it is that some people (like myself) had to be broken in order to appreciate them and I am glad that I met them when I did because they helped to pull me out of some pretty dark and twisty moments. The new album came out on Sept. 11th.  It was the first new album in three years and I downloaded it right before I went to Greece. It is quite amazing.  You should download it. They released it just in time as I had a case of the dark and twisties in Greece. 

That Dann Has Something Resembling a Flaw! - You may wonder why I would be grateful for such a thing but let me tell you something, this man is practically flawless. It has been an observation of mine that he has a bit of a jealous side (not even close to the size of my jealous side though). I am so crazy happy about this because it's hard to  be the one that isn't patient, the one that is jealous, the one that yells (that's all me guys) so now that he has a flaw, I am thrilled for I know that he isn't the perfect person that I claim he is.  Still perfect for me though! :) 

The Fall - I absolutely love the fall season.  I always knew I did but since I leave PA in the end of August in recent years I've missed it and grew to appreciate it more and more.   I love the leaves changing colors.  I love pumpkins and the smell in the air that lets us know that Halloween is on the way.  I adore warm days and cool evenings. Of course the constant use of my name is also quite exciting because you can find signs everywhere that say "Welcome Autumn"  pft I never knew I was so loved :) Liverpool does acknowledge the change of seasons, but the weather doesn't really change. It's still rainy and cold.  Also because it's a city there are hardly any trees that I can notice color changing. Yeah, this adventure of mine definitely has made me more grateful for the fall as each year passes.  I hope you enjoy your pumpkin coffees, folks. 

Harry Potter -  Now this I am still surprised about.  I didn't really get interested in HP when it came out.  I was still sort of a kid but more of a kid that was way more interested in the Backstreet Boys than reading.  J. K. Rowling's imagination has always fascinated me and I often thought *and still think* "why can't I think of something like this?"  I started watching HP for/with Dann and I must say they are entertaining. There was no television (worth watching) in the hotel so we popped HP in Dann's laptop and watched that at night.  I am happy it exists. :) 

What are you thankful for? 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thankful Thursday! Early Edition!

“The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.”  ― Henry Ward Beecher

Unfortunately I have had a difficult week again.  But it's okay.  I know that people are in way worse situations than having to shack up with their boyfriend for a couple of days while seeking other shelter.  The thing is I hate not being in control of my own life.  I blame this on living with a disability.  I can tell you, and not be ashamed about it, that when the carpet is pulled out from underneath me, I am more angry and embarrassed about falling than I am sad about being in pain. That is my issue right now.  I am not enjoying not having a place to live. Especially since I had it all figured out before I left in the spring. I find it ever so frustrating that I am still unemployed.  I haven't heard from Beatles Story yet, but I am chalking that up to no news is good news. (I don't even know if I put that story in this blog or my other one!)  And I can't seem to find light at the end of this tunnel.  However, I am also uber sensitive to things that I should be grateful for, the things I am lucky to have. A few of these things/people I have already expressed my gratitude for but I don't care they need to be acknowledged again.

My Mom -  It was Debbie's birthday on Monday and I could hardly ignore the fact that I miss her so much more than I missed her any other time I have lived away from home.   I don't know if it is because I was bummed I didn't go get her Bob Dylan tickets (and then she didn't go get them or go to the concert) or if it was because I am having such a bad week but I spent a good amount of time this past weekend thinking of how much Lolly has done for me (and my siblings).  Most times I think that it is more than one parent should have to do for their child.  But when you are playing the role of mother and father, I guess you just do what you have to do.  When I reflect on everything she has done, it still overwhelms me because she didn't and still doesn't miss a beat. I could never ever pay her back (even with a front row, backstage passes, get his phone number so she could text him Dylan package) but I can constantly write words expressing how thankful I am to have her for a mother.  For real, I wouldn't pick anyone else on the planet to be a daughter to.  She's my favorite lady, ever.

Amanda Metro -  For the last few weeks it has been bugging me that I have not expressed my gratitude for this wonderful gal.  She is the reason why I do Thankful Thursday and it is a shame that I have not included her earlier. But I wanted to wait until this week anyway as I think she might need an extra spunk in her step.  It worked out because this week I realized that it doesn't matter how many days have passed, Amanda and I can keep a conversation going.  It doesn't matter that I am on the other side of the world, she still talks to me like I am sitting in the box office of the Cultural Center which is what I needed this week. But also this week it has been Amanda's voice (usually the voice of reason and honesty) that has been sounding through my head when my conscience has been throwing things at me reminding me of what I should be thankful for. Amanda's influence in my life is not something new.  She and I actually became close during one of my darkest and twistiest times and she's watched me make mistakes and helped me to see things clearly, and now she is so overwhelmed with joy at how my life has turned out. So although we haven't been friends for 54 years, she met me at the worst moment and she stayed through until now.  So for her, I am grateful.  And she also hooked me up with my current job in Scranton.  Word.

That I am in Liverpool - I cannot ignore the fact that there are people who want to travel the world and never get an opportunity to leave their house/city/state/country let alone live somewhere else and get the opportunity to get to know another culture.  Being in England I have the opportunity to travel in Europe much cheaper than I'd be able to do from America (obviously). For reals, Dann and I are going to Greece next week for 8 stinkin' days!   I am grateful to be here... just annoyed at the moment.

I'm Alive  - Sometimes you just have to acknowledge the fact that you should be happy your arse is breathing.  So here I am.  Expressing my gratitude for the most important factor in my life, the facts that my heart is beating and my air is filling with lungs is something I am thankful for almost everyday.  Except for those days when you leave your phone at home or you left your lunch on the kitchen table and you can't help but scream "WHY!!!!!!!!!!????????????"  You might want to take a moment to YouTube "I'm Alive" by Kenny Chesney and Dave Matthews if you you think you need to get your rear in gear.


Dann -  I don't know if you know this but I can be quite a bear when things do not go my way.  I usually take it out on the person nearest and closest to me.  Unfortunately for Dann, this week that person has been him.  But I must say I am kind of happy that things have happen this way.  Like I said earlier there are worse things that could be happening that me having to shack up with him for a few days. And I must say he has been extraordinarily amazing.  His house is less than easy for me to get around so that means that Dann makes the food, Dann does the laundry, Dann get the drinks of water, Dann does everything. I can't really deny the fact that he is a great guy (and boyfriend).  I mean I knew this already but these last ten days have certainly made things even more clear for me. Not only has he been doing everything around the house, he also donated most of his drawers and his space in his room to my stuff.  When he comes home from working all day and finds me crying out of frustration he tries his hardest to make me laugh.  He doesn't lose his temper when I have lost mine and even when I am yelling at him for no reason (when would I ever do that?!) he doesn't yell back.  Simply holds my hand and says "Okay, are you done?" He doesn't wake me up when I am taking up the whole bed, even though I wake up him all of the time for every little thing including but not limited to taking all of the blankets off of me, waking him up because I'm bored, etc etc. He makes me laugh constantly. Did I say that already?  And also he doesn't let a moment go by without letting me know that I am important to him and that he loves me.   I am lucky to be loved be him.  I think he'd make a good husband! :)

What are you thankful for?!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday

There is always something to be grateful for. - Google it. I can't remember who said it.

Let me tell you this has been the week of weeks! Too much malarkey this week. Sorry for the lack of author for the quote. I am doing this from my phone so please bare with me (more than you already do).

Even though this has been the week from purgatory (it honestly wasn't too bad), I am still going to try to be thankful for things in my life because I'm alive and well. And you know, that's good enough for me.

Reliable Cab Drivers - These last five days have been insanely hectic and I currently find myself stressed to a point I haven't been in years. When you're stressed you're scattered. I would like to thank the universe for sending me cab drivers who didn't give me a hard time in getting me to where I needed to be. It is pretty typical but this week I left my American phone in a cab as I was leaving a job interview and on my way to see what was going on with my apartment. I don't know how I did it. I was texting my mom and the my phone rang, I Looked at the number and put it back in my phone... Or so I thought. It wasn't until hours after that I noticed I didn't have my phone. At this point I was so stressed out because the place that I was going to move into was a no go so I was ready to throw my hands up in the air and quit (but you know I don't quit) by the time my phone went M.I.A.
So after searching my purse for it 24 times over, I called the taxi company and left a message. I didn't think I'd hear anything but to my surprise it was their phone call that woke me up this morning. He found my phone and dropped it off at the police station... In freaking Bootle. But I am grateful for the return of my phone anyway.

Landlords Who Are Responsible - As I mentioned earlier I need to find a new place to live. The building that I was supposed to live in held about 200 people. One person signed up to live there. Who? Autumn Rose Chmil. The landlord can't run a whole building for one person, which I can't argue that. But the good part is that, because I signed a contract, the man is willing to pay the difference for a place for me. Where I was staying was supposed to be £60 a week. Since it's so late in the game, he thinks that I won't find something for less than £90. Once we find a spot (he's helping me) he will write me a check for the differences in rent for the whole time of the contract. So I can end up living in a better place, which is cool, and he is urging me just to get a flat on my own if he is going to spend the money. And if the place where I rented it from won't give me my money back that I've paid in deposits etc (probably about £500) he will cut me a check for it. All of this and his mother just died. I feel like a jerk even bothering him with my problems. But I am thankful for his help anyway.

So in case you didn't notice, I lost my home and my contact with my mother, my bank and my doctors in the timespan of four hours. Sweet!

Dann's Housemates - So last year Dann and I were always at each other's flats. Honestly every second we can spend together, we do spend together. But now that I have no place to go, so we sort have to spend every second together. The hospitality of Dann's housemates is more than I deserve. After all, I'm not their problem. They are not bothered by my quiet existence in their man house. So this week, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for "the boys" and their roof.

Morgan Freeman - If you really want to know something, see if Morgan Freeman has anything to say about it. He's going to speak bluntly and I dig it. In a time where everyone is beating around the bush to be politically correct, this guy just says what he wants to say in the simplest ways He helped save Batman's life many times and he helped the penguins out. And now I finally have an idea what God looks like (see Bruce Almighty). So, yeah, I dig him.

That I Finally Got AIM Working - You may laugh that I still use AOL Instant Messenger but that's the only way I am able to talk with Katie. Since she is the person I speak with the most I was bumming that AIM wasn't working. Then today, out of the blue, it just decided to work. Yay! For being able to talk to Brenizzle again! It's funny because when I finally turned my US phone on, there was a text from her (no one else). Obviously she found my lack of communication utterly unacceptable.

There are six things today!

Insomnia - Most of the time, I am not a fan of insomnia. No one likes to be up all night while trying to sleep. But tonight I am quite okay with it. Dann and I have been so busy trying to get settled in Liverpool that I haven't really had time to register the fact that we are together again. Well, he's been sleeping for quite some time now and it's given me time to finally appreciate the fact that we aren't sleeping with a Skype screen in between us! Mr. Insomnia has helped me get to the bottom of things and see that despite that fact I'm homeless in a country 3,500 miles away from my mama (who I miss so very much), I am also in the midst of getting exactly what I've wanted all summer (maybe all my life!)... to be with Dann.

What are you thankful for?

My bad use of the English language?
I thought so.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Thankful Thursday

“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.”  Oprah

Well tonight is my last night in Scranton. It just happens to be a Thursday.  What are the chances.  This last week has a been an interesting one to say the least. But I have tried my best to focus on the good things.

This week I am thankful for...

Surprise Appearances - Although I hate surprises, I really do love when people show up unexpectedly. It happened twice in the last five days.  It's great to see people that you haven't seen in a very long time but it is even way better when it happens and you have little or no clue that they are on their way.  This week one person said they weren't coming and then there he was and the other said he was coming (but never shows) and then he did show up!  A splendid time indeed.

Christa Got Her Job Back - My sister was having a hard time at work because of the restrictions that her doctor advised for the rest of her pregnancy. By hard time I mean pretty much making her quit.  But she got the phone call today that she is "allowed" to go back to work tomorrow.  We are all very excited about this.

Mark David Chapman was Denied Parole - MCD is the man that murdered John Lennon.  He goes up for parole every two years and every two years he gets denied.  Good.  He shouldn't be out in the streets.  It's not like Mr. Lennon gets to have a chance to come back to life every two years.  The only issue I can't help but ignore is that if this case wasn't as "famous" as it was/is,  MCD might have been let off on parole for good behavior.  I am having such a hard time with it because no one should get out on good behavior after they killed someone.  It is no one's right to take another life so my issue isn't with MCD (even thought I have many issues with him) it's that there are people that do get away with murder.  But I am happy this yonko is still locked up.  He'd probably just end up getting hurt by some other crazy Lennon fan.

Ice Cream Cake -  I am not that big on desserts. However, I dig ice cream and I dig those chocolate bits of goodness that are in between the chocolate and vanilla of ice cream cake. Just delicious and I am glad that I know that they exist in the world.

Amanda Metro -  It occurred to me last week that the one person that should have made in this blog in its beginning was not even on it almost a year to its anniversary.  Amanda is who I got this idea from.  Not only that, she is a very honest friend who is patient and listens, even if it is something she has heard me say countless times.Since she has been hearing me gripe about the same thing for like six years, she gets a medal for that.  She is excellent at getting something through my head in a way that other people cannot, although I cannot pinpoint how.  And her children are freaking adorable.

What are you thankful for??

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

It is necessary, then, to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude. Wallace D. Wattles

So this is my last full week in the States until Christmas (or March) and I've spent a bit of time thinking about how much has changed in a year. It's sort of overwhelming. It's true you never notice the changes as they are happening as they are small (but steady) then, all of those small changes, they make an entirely different life.  Some of them I wish didn't happen and  for most of them, I am so happy that they did.  All of them, I am grateful for because where I am right now is exactly where I need and want to be!

So the gratitude continues...

Exclamation Points - I mean those little characters are just happy people!  I hardly ever use them when I am yelling.  In fact, I bet most people are more alarmed when they see "Stop." than "Stop!" in a text from me.  I am an !!! junkie.  I've tried to cut down on using them but they just make me smile!

That My Boss is Such a Great Meteorologist - Jason was able to tell me what the weather is going to be like in Rome in February.  I mean, aside from comical, he could be right. According to Jason, Rome at Valentine's Day will be like Delaware. This will be helpful when Dann and I go to Rome so I am grateful for that.  P.S. I spelled "meteorologist right the first time.  P.P.S.  I didn't spell meteorologist right the second time! P.P.P.S. I am also thankful that Jason is a good boss... even if he does fire us every other day.  P.P.P.P.S.  This Thankful Thursday just turned into a "buy five get a sixth one free" deal!

For My Friends' Time -  As I am reflecting on this summer visit, I cannot help but be grateful for the friends that have taken time out of their schedules, changed things around in order to hangout with lil' old me.  I am almost surprised at the amount of time I have spent with some people over others. (And of course Krissy getting the special shout outs for running to the airport with me to weigh my suitcase!) It made coming home worth it. So thank you to those who have made time for me! You've given me enough umph to make it through until Christmas.

The Critical Thinking Skills Learned at Marywood University -   I often chuckled when I read or heard that part of Marywood's ploy to get students to enroll.  But suddenly, I started to thank Marywood for teaching me those skills.  I mean it is hardly ever in difficult situations, I don't know if that makes it better or worse, but I some times you just want to yell "DUH!" :) So a thank you to all of those Nuns, Drs, and professors who "got my gears going" for life.

The 20% Part of My Eating Plan - Now, don't get carried away here. I am not on a diet.  I am trying the 80/20 non-diet for the mere fact that I want to start feeling better and, hopefully, eating better will help that.  The 80/20 plan is really ideal for me.  It doesn't involve counting calories, cutting foods out, or even starving yourself (which is good).  It does involve eating whole foods and organic foods 80% of the time. That other 20% is whatever you want. The hardest time I am having with it is the schedule, which is waking up a the buttcrack of dawn and going to bed at 10:30 (IN THE MIDDLE OF BRIDEZILLAS!) and also no snacking between meals in order for your body to get itself working properly.   I think I would better adjust to the schedule in England, when Dann and I are in the same time zone to speak and sleep, so I am really not 100% in this yet. That doesn't mean I am not trying and that doesn't mean that I don't love me some chips and dip in that 20%!  I used to be just concerned about the 99%, now I am in a class of my own!

What are you thankful for?