Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thankful Thursday!

Trade your expectation for appreciation and the world changes instantly.  - Tony Robbins

It's been a relatively quiet week on this side of the computer screen.  I'm happy about that.  Some peace and quiet before the ball of chaos arrives to greet me head on! 

And, of course, the gratitude continues!

Bus Systems -  Dann came back from England yesterday and thankfully I finally thought to ask a friend how in the world he travels to and from NYC every day for work. My friend informed me that there is a bus that drops people off right in Scranton and he also told me how Dann can get from the airport to the correct bus station.     THANK GOODNESS! The last thing I wanted to do yesterday was to sit in bridge construction traffic for a total of 4 hours each way.   I may hate public transportation but it was a lifesaver yesterday! 

Reward Points -  I've become quite an avid coupon collector and reward point go-getter in the last few months.  Some people think I'm silly and some think I'm brilliant.   I prefer the latter. My plan is to save up points for Christmastime since our family is growing by the second - so far I have approximately $250 just saved up in points.  I'd be jealous if I were you. But that isn't the point of my story.   I had to get some sort of belt replaced on my car and I really needed windshield wipers so I thought I'd do it all at once and I had a coupon for Nissan anyway so I'd use that for the wipers and save $8.  To my dismay I could not use the coupon for the wipers BUT I did have reward points saved up, which I didn't even know about, and those points took $36 off of my bill.  Hot dog was I a happy lady!! And for the record when I typed "windshield" the first time if corrected to "sunshine."

Tums -  I am not sure if I have already shared how grateful I M for tums but they deserve it.  They're my midnight snack every night. 

Nap Time - There is just something wonderful   
about an afternoon nap.  I recommend them to everyone. 

What are you thankful for? 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Thankful Thursday!!

I feel a very unusual sensation - if it is not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude.  ~Benjamin Disraeli

Maybe that's what I've been feeling this whole time! 

I cannot help but think what a wild ride these last few years have turned out to be.  Three years ago today I left for Liverpool (for the first time).  We were stuck on the GW Bridge for a lifetime, the plane's landing gear failed the first time, and I was never so tired in my life when we finally got to the hotel in London.  It's hard to believe that all of that chaos was the starting point for Pip's arrival.  I never thought all of this would come from that.  Everything happens for a reason. Although things are quite difficult sometimes and I am in pain most times, I am quite a happy and thankful lady.  In the last few months I've learned so many things.  I've learned that, no matter what, there are people that will always show you their true colors when the going gets tough. I've learned that there are people who will let you down, but there are even more people who will come along and bring their own little candle to light the way for you (if not a candle their flash on their smartphone works). I've learned that true, honest friends are few and far between. Perhaps most importantly, I've learned that you never know what you're made of until you  are pushed right down to the nitty gritty to find out exactly how far your courage can take you, how deep your strength is, how much hardship you can endure, and how humbled and overwhelmed with gratitude you can feel once you finally persevere.  

The timing of Pip's arrival couldn't be more off. Sometimes I still find myself annoyed that my plan didn't go through the way I wanted it to, that this summer was supposed to be filled with wedding planning and odd, vintage, mismatched plate hunting instead of hunting for the best diaper deals. But then Pip moves around or kicks me and I realize that I was always the person to believe that everything happens for a reason and that it is best to realize things are out of our control as soon as possible in order to enjoy this short time we are here, why should I stop thinking this way now?  So big deal if I didn't choose Pip. He chose me, us, at this place in time.  How flattering is that?! Over 6 billion people on this planet and Pip picks Dann and I to be his parents. Oh my! Maybe my little baby is a fool, huh? 

I've always made it a point to help people whenever I could because for so long I was the one who needed so much help and because I am also one who believes that you should treat people the way you would want to be treated. However the amount of help that I've needed over the last few months is absurd and, sometimes, embarrassing.  So I must start with this week's dose of gratitude there.  

Those People Who Are in My Face All of the Time -  I do not mean this in a negative or cruel way.  There have been many times in the past that I've had to be in a friend's face to help them through something even if I was the last person they wanted to talk to, so I know what it's like to have to force a person to shut up and listen or sit down and let someone else do something.   So for Krissy, Stefanie, Donna, and Jenn - I am grateful. They consistently check up on me and, when needed, pull me back from freak out zone. There are times when I do not want to speak to anyone and they just do not shy away because I am silent. In fact, most days Krissy tells me where do go and how to get there when I start to doubt the doctors' capabilities. They're the ones who remind me that although things aren't ideal right now they could be worse and they will get better.  I'm the thankful for these girls.Every single day. 

My Baby Daddy! - I am speaking the truest words I've ever spoken when I tell people how lucky I feel that Dann and I found each other.  The odds of that happening were so slim and based on chance, as everything is but our chances were so slim it's amazing it happened.  For one, I'm so thrilled that I'm not stuck with a miserable guy.  Of course I knew this was the case way before the baby was ever a thought in my head but I just think to the boys of my past and I thank my lucky stars that Dann is Pip's daddy and not one of the yonkos from my past.  Due to stupid immigration and visa rules, Dann went to England for nine days. He comes back on Wednesday and the last few days really made me realize how helpful he is! I can be quite a monster to him, too, and he never holds it against me. I mean, sure, it could be because I would remind him that this is all of his fault, but I don't think he would hold it against me anyway. Every time I leave the ice pack downstairs in the freezer when I am already snugged up in bed I am reminded of how grateful I am for Dann. I love how he didn't change his tune when we learned I was pregnant, how he took it better than I did right from the get go. I also, now not so secretly, love how we argue over his desire to want to drop out of school to stay with the baby and I remind him that this seems like the hardest way right now but we will be happy about it in July. And I love how Dann talks to Pip and hollers at me for playing the drums on my belly because I shouldn't annoy Pip before he actually gets out of my belly.  I'm just grateful that Dann isn't a jerk.  I had such a long track record with those kind of guys.  

For Honest Friends - These types of friends are rare and when you find them, hold those friends closely. Their honesty will be one of the most valuable attributes to your friendship so pick honest and sincere ones and let go of those who cannot be honest with you. 

For Everyone Who is Sending Good Thoughts - I want to thank everyone for their well wishes, good juju, and positive thoughts that are constantly coming our way.  We appreciate it so very much and are absolutely humbled by it all. We never realized how many people care about us, does anyone? So let me say thank you to all of you this week, just in case this PipSqueak of mine decides to make an appearance before next week's TT!  
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 

What are you thankful for?  

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Thankful Thursday

There is always something to be grateful for! - Unknown 

I know it has been far too long since I have posted something on either blog and I do apologize with greatest sincerity.  There is a reason for my absence, not an excuse, it just flipping hurts to sit at the computer for a long time to type.  And having my movie theater of a laptop on my lap hurts too. As does laying on my back to type out a blog on my phone!   If you really want to know, which I am sure you do,  this blog post is being brought to you via the bathtub! 

"Blogging From the Bathtub"

Maybe that will be the name of my blog once Lennon is here because I imagine that when I do have time for a bath, it will be the only time I can actually write something! 

My mind is filled with words to say constantly, gratitude to be shared, thoughts to be thrown around but it just never gets put to paper, if you will.  Then I realized that I'm not in pain when I am in water and  I can definitely use a good soak of the bones in some Epsom salt and a warm bath since I'm swollen like a blowfish from the neck down, I figured why the heck shouldn't I use my time wisely and reach out to you guys.  You deserve it! And I think it's time to spread some gratitude!!! 

Today I am thankful for...

Bathtubs - There are some days that soaking in the tub is the only way that I find comfort. I think back to my days in Liverpool where I only had a shower to work with and I just don't know how I could have dealt with that during this last trimester. It would have been the pits!  

Krissy and Stefanie - These two gals, that  I've know for quite literally most of my life, bent over backwards to help with my Baby shower.  Stefanie made all of the favors! Did you see them? They're the cute little hand scrubs in the mason jars! Freaking adorable!   Krissy not only helped decorate and prepare (which involved too many trips to Hobby Lobby) and watching me freak out over pinwheels, but also insisted on taking care of the "prize and game" section of the shower.  I am so grateful for these girls! The two of them made this shower business a little less stressful, even though the pinwheel making definitely made up for it! 
And also I must thank Jenn for making the most adorable cupcakes for my baby shower!  Everyone absolutely loved them!! 

Everyone Else - Although it sounds like a cliché  and I'm sure that you think that I could come up with something way better than this but I must say the following:  I am absolutely 100% grateful for everyone who was able to make it to the shower and celebrate Pip's arrival, for everyone who has sent us a gift, to everyone who sends a prayer, kind thought, or good juju out to the sky to help my little guy arrive in one piece and for every piece of advice that people offer me,  I sincerely thank you!  And shower-goers and gift senders, I swear I have thank you cards signed and sealed! The delivery part is what is taking so long, I suppose it comes with the territory! :-) 

The Boppy Pillow for Pregnant Chicks - You know I was always that person that thought I wouldn't need or want to get things like the Boppy pillow. I mean how helpful can it be? Stretch mark cream? Belly bands (thank you, Donna!)? Who needs all that stuff? Just have the baby and get over it!   Let me tell you who needs that stuff!  PREGNANT CHICKS! I do not know what I would do without my Boppy pillow. At this point I can't sleep without it because it just relieves so much pressure from different areas of my body.  Lolly got it for my right after I got home and let me tell you, it is the absolute best thing ever! I don't even know how I'll part with it after Pip is here! 

Ice Packs - A sure way to get a baby butt out of your ribs is to get an ice pack on the other side of them!  I'm sure he just wants to get close to my heart and cuddle right up to it but I do not need his arse anywhere near my heart and it just hurts after a while! So I get that ice pack on there and he gets all mad and kicks up a storm when I put the cold on his badinski but the pain subsides.  He's pretty cute though!! 

What are you thankful for?