Sunday, December 30, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Well what a wonderful year it has been!   We have all definitely tried to do our best, I think.

I hope that you have found something to be grateful for this week.  I most certainly have.

The winners this week are..

My Book-a-Day  Calendar - I am really terrible at keep up with any type of calendar. Whether is it a monthly, weekly, or daily calendar I am just craptastic at paying attention to them.  However, I am uber excited about this calendar.  I hope you are too.

Christmas Trees -  They really make me smile.   It doesn't matter what they look like, even if it is decorated in a way that I wouldn't necessary do myself, I love them just the same. I just love the excitement of decorating a Christmas tree and I imagine that excitement building up in other people as they are decorating.

Aida -  Is a patient of my brother.  Every year she sends me a planner via Corey and writes a beautiful message inside. This year she made me a gingerbread man house.  I've never met her but her annual kindess is something that I am grateful for.  For her just to think of me is very nice!

Christa's Health -  So I don't know about you but I am a crazy worrywart. I was probably more stressed over Christa delivering a baby than anyone else.  The baby is here and so is she!  Woot!

Levi Michael -  I am officially an aunt to two of the most gorgeous men in this world.  Levi arrived on December 27 at 11:04 pm.  It was a long day for all of us, especially Christa but he got here and he is handsome, happy, and healthy.

What are you thankful for?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Hello! Hello!  I hope that you have found things to be grateful for despite the chaos of world around you.

This week I am thankful for...

Having a Good Run -  I mean obviously I don't mean an actual run but the last few years have been good.  I can only hope that the future is just as delightful.

My Glasses -  You know I can't see smack without them.  I'm glad that I was able to get them and that they haven't been broken yet.   Cue breaking of the glasses.

Laughter -  I need it to survive like most people need food. 

Good Conversation -  It turns out that sometimes a conversation with old friends can make you feel a zillion times better. I'm glad I had a few of these in the last couple of days.

My Education -  It's going to take me places.  It already has! :)

Merry Christmas!!  

What are you thankful for?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

I was going to skip Thankful Thursday this week and a part of me thinks I still should skip it. I find it hard to be thankful for things during a day like today.  I feel like anything I would write would be utterly ridiculous   However I think a day like today is when TT is  more for me than for you guys.  I saw early this morning a quick thing from CNN about a shooting in CT but they had no information on it and I thought well maybe is isn't that bad.  I read that it was at an elementary school but I still had hope that it really wouldn't be too bad.   Within the hour I saw/read/heard how bad it was.  The actions of this one man will ripple into every single one of our lives, whether or not we like to admit it.  These poor families having to deal with overwhelming loss, never feeling safe walking into a school again, and, as with all of us, the feeling of being shocked, stunned, numb etc. I am finding it incredibly difficult to find anything to be thankful for that isn't brought on by today's events.  Being thankful for these things makes me feel selfish as I don't think it is just or kind to say "I am happy it wasn't my family,"  even though everyone is thinking it.  I am happy it wasn't my family but I would have gladly taken the place of one or all of those children if I could.

You all must know by now that I love little humans.  I love the wonder in their eyes, the kindness in their hearts, the laughter that whispers in every word they say and their smiles that cannot do anything else but put a smile on another's face.  I, like everyone else I'm sure, am having a terrible time with this.  I just keep thinking about the twenty kids that probably had no idea what was going on. I am thinking about what their mornings were like and if they had breakfast or tried to skip school today because it was too cold to get out of bed.  Maybe they were excited to get to school because it is so very close to Christmas and they were probably making some Christmas project today or this week.  While driving today I couldn't stop thinking of their laundry in their parents' washers and dryers, their beds probably left unmade and toys scattered around the house all waiting to be folded, made, picked up.  Favorite cereals and cookies and stuffed animals all reminding the families of how life should have continued on this typical Friday. I keep on thinking of Christmas presents.  The presents that have already been purchased for those kids and will be left unopened.  I think of stockings hanging by the stairs or the fireplace and silly Santas with cotton balled beards counting down the days to Christmas.

For some reason I hope that the children were coloring when it happened.  When I am stressed or sad I color.  I find it peaceful.  I know that their last moments weren't peaceful but right before the moment that hell broke loose I hope that they were just being kids.

I think of the parents still waiting.  The last time I watched the news (and this is why I don't watch the news but a massacre like this cannot be avoided or ignored) the reporter said the the bodies could not be removed from the school yet as the CSIs were still investigating.  I cannot imagine the hope that those parents who are still waiting must have - that their child is hiding in a closet or under a desk or maybe even found their way into the basement.  I am not even involved and I am hoping for a miracle situation like that.  With that being said, I cannot imagine the agony that those parents must be going through.  I would imagine that it is a type of situation where one would have to see their child in order to believe that the unthinkable happened. That waiting game is something that no one enjoys in everyday, non-important situations, never mind waiting to hear the worst news that you can hear in your lifetime. The pain I feel for these families, friends and the community of Newtown, CT is devastating and I have zero connection with them.

But, as I said, I find it necessary to be thankful today.

Safe Driving - I picked up Jacob from Lancaster today and while I was exhausted and preoccupied we got home safely.  He is my world and I am glad that tonight he is safe in his bed, arguing to get a new DS game.

Jacob's Simple Thoughts -  Of course, he doesn't understand what is going on and I am glad for that. When I picked him up, Jacob's dad and his girlfriend were filling me in on the details of what was released to the public while I was on my way down. Jacob wasn't paying attention but he couldn't ignore when I gasped "kindergarten!?!!?"  After I said this he put his hand on my cheek and said, "Don't worry. It wasn't at my school,"  and he smiled.

Obama Crying -  Dann, Jacob and I stopped at McDonald's on the way home and I requested to sit by the television so I could lose my appetite with each second of footage airing on tv about the shootings. While I was at the verge  of tears with every glimpse to the screen, I fought them because crying in McDonald's is not something anyone wants to do.  And also I felt as though I should not cry that I have no reason to and I should be strong for these other people. Then Obama came on.  Anyone could tell that the man was distraught from the get go.  But it was when he looked down and paused for longer than he probably planned to and began to wipe tears from his eyes that I felt as though it was okay to cry.  And I did.  I cried for the kids and their families. The teachers who saved lives, and those teachers who lost their lives saving others.  I cried for the community and the state of the country and world that it isn't an impossible thing to think that someone would actually go do this to innocent children. Just disbelief.

That All of My Loved Ones Came Home From School Today -  I have a billion connections to school communities.  From preschool to PhD students and teachers I know a plethora.  All of them made it home to their families and friends today.  Up until today I never worried about my mother's safety at school.  She teaches preschool nothing could really go wrong there, until today. My Jacob and my Lily are in elementary school and never did I have a concern but tonight I am terrified and thankful that they made it through the school day.

I don't care what religion you believe in or don't - say a prayer - send good wishes and positive vibes to that community tonight and every night as they try to make sense of this.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Hello Beautiful People! I hope that you've all had an absolutely wonderful week. This is the last TT that I will post in Liverpool until after Christmas (hopefully not the last one I will post in 2012 but it is a possibility that I will be absent from being so BUSY when I am at home.)  

So the winners are... 

That I Don't Want Anything for Christmas - A few weeks ago I said something about Christmas over a broken Skype connection to my mother and her response was "What do you want for Christmas?"  Not because she wanted to know but because she thought that I said that I wanted x for Christmas.   The conversation carried on with me telling her that she's nuts and her complaining that she can't hear me etc., etc.,  the usual. But later on, when Dann and I were making dinner, Bug asked me what I really wanted for Christmas and I had nothing.  I couldn't think of one thing that I would absolutely want for Christmas (with the exception of my TV on DVD yearly requests). I am thankful for not wanting anything this year because I believe that is a sign of me no longer expecting material things to make up for things that I am lacking in life.   I am so thrilled about this.  Finally, after so long, I have come to a point where I want nothing for Christmas.  I am so grateful for this.   However, don't be fooled.  I did tell Dann a few days later that if I had to get me something that sapphire earrings would do.  :) 

Colin Survived -  For those of you who do not know, my brother is a dentist and he has a crew of ladies that work in the office with him that I think are great.  One woman, Debbie, went to school with my mom and she has a son that may be about 22ish (may be younger).  On thanksgiving day Colin was running a marathon (I can't remember the name of the marathon right now) and ended up going into cardiac arrest while running. Lucky for him and all of us that many of the runners were doctors, nurses, EMTs etc.   When my brother told me what happened to Colin the next day, it completely sadden my entire day.  At the time he told me it wasn't looking very good for Colin.  Miraculously, Colin pulled through this and I believe he is also home from Gesinger.  I cannot be more grateful for this. 

That I Found Something to Give My Brother for Christmas - So if there is someone in my life that I would love to show my gratitude for it would be Corey.  The things that he has done for me my entire life can never be repaid and I would never be able to put into words how thankful/lucky/happy I am to have him as a brother.  Trust me, I know that there aren't many people who have a such brother like I do.  Every year I have trouble finding something to give to Corey for Christmas.  If you ask him what he would like for Christmas he says, "Save your money, we're in a recession," or something along those lines. And you can't really go into a store and pick something out for him because everything he wants he has. Yesterday while I was searching for a present for someone else, I came upon the funniest thing I've ever seen.  Well, funny if you are a Corey or an Autumn. I have LOLed every time I've looked at said gift.  Goodness after Christmas, I might even post it on here with a story explaining why it's so funny. I hope he finds it as funny as I do! 

Train -  The band not the transportation vehicle.   For reals, this little old band and I have known each other almost as long as I have known the Beatles. I think I was like many other people and fell for them when they came out with Meet Virginia.  I've loved everything that they put out.  I know every other person who likes Train probably started to like them because of their Save Me, San Francisco album, which is fine.  I think since they album their music is happier, peppier, poppier.  But that's okay. It makes me smile and they put on a good show.  They are playing in Manchester in next year if someone wants to get tickets. 

That Good Things Happen To Me -  So, this story is quite unbelievable if you're a Beatles/McCartney fan.   I am sure that most of you readers that are from America know that Saturday Night Live's musical star for the Christmas show is Paul McCartney.  And I am sure that most of you, unlike me, knew that you have to request tickets for SNL by joining some sort of lottery and hope that you win.  I was so sad when I learned this.  I would love to be that close to Macca.  I mean I don't know how close I'd be since I've never been to a live anything besides as concert with thousands and thousands of people.   Anyway, on Monday Alex, Dann and I were all at McDonald's while I was using some of their Wifi.  I noticed I had a message on Facebook.  Where I thought it was going to be my friend Krissy, it was not.  It was another friend who sent a rather long message asking me if I would like to take her tickets for the SNL show.  WHAT!?!??!?!?!  Does the Pope shite in the woods?  I asked myself.  (If you aren't Matt Cardona or Katie Brennan you aren't going to get that.)  I immediately began to shake, scream and slap Dann's arm out of excitement for this!   I mean sweet SNL! WOOT!  But goodness me!  PAUL McFreakingCARTNEY!  for free!  I cannot even express how thankful I am that these two thought of me.  I can never ever thank them enough!  :)

What are you thankful for?