Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thankful Thursday!

It's that time of the week again, folks!  I hope that you had a wonderful week.  I cannot believe that January is pretty much over.  What a difference a month makes, aye?  Soon we will be on to warmer weather, which for NEPA, I hope that is very soon! 

This week I am thankful for 

Music -  I know I've been thankful for music before but I honestly don't know of anything else that can be more soothing to the soul than music. I admit I am a music snob so I think there are only certain artists that can really do it for you but if JLS or The Wanted do it for you, that's fine. It's all about the semiotics people. Ha! My graduation ceremony is tomorrow :) 

My Support System -  This week has been a hard week.  I won't bore you with the details but I must express my gratitude for Esmee, Jasmine, Christa, Stefanie, Shani, and Dann.  They are my people.  They are my rocks.  This week would be unbearable without them. 

Ovens -  Since my flat is less than stellar and I have mentioned how awful my heating is I am very thankful for our broken electric oven.  Dann and I plop our butts in the living room/kitchen all day in hopes that the oven will heat up the whole room.  It doesn't but it is the warmest room in the flat.  For reals, it's so cold that I can see my breath in the bathroom!

The Unsubscribe Link -  I have recently realized that my email address is the one I have been using since 1998.  I am creature of habit who doesn't really love change.  Having this email address since my mid-teens has enabled thousands and thousands of spammers to send me messages daily.   So I try every, or every other, day to unsubscribe myself from a few of those senders a day. My favorite ones are the ones that tell me I have 500K USD to claim and the ones telling me to find a great dentist in Scranton.  Obviously these spammers don't know me at all.  I am trying to start getting rid of the junk in my life, starting with emails. 

The Liberty of Changing My Mind -  Honestly, you never know how handy it is until you are in a situation where you really have to change your mind for the best result. Whether the issue is big or small it's nice to know we can change it.  Looking like the wedding will be moved up a few weeks.

What are you thankful for?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday!

Didn't I say the weeks fly by when we look at it from a Thankful Thursday POV?  Of course it doesn't help that I was super late in getting last week's post up but whateves.

So this week I am thankful for...

Thankful Thursday! - Some weeks, it's the only way I can keep track of what day of the week it is. I need some order in my life!

My Old Landlord - Honestly, I hate living where I am currently living.  The internet is crappy.  The heat is finally working (after months of not) and there is no privacy. I kid you not, the workers and the landlords come through here whenever they want to.  In fact the other night, Dann and I were up watching house in the living room, and my landlord walks in!  AT MIDNIGHT!  My old landlord didn't even bother us at all!  Sometimes to a fault but jeeze Louise at least they left us alone!

Everyone's Advice - As we all know by now, Dann and I are tying the knot and I cannot really express how thankful I am for everyone's suggestions. Our wedding is under pretty unique circumstances and I really love everyone's advice in regards to making this as comfortable as possible for the guests and the bride.

Justice of the Peace - It's very nice to know that if all of these wedding plans get out of whack we can always get hitched in downtown Scranton!

What are you thankful for??

Monday, January 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday!

You know I really think that TT seems to make the year go by much faster than it really does.  Every time I turn around I realize it's Thursday (Saturday or Sunday or Monday [oops!])!  Maybe it's only me but I find it amazing that we are sort of in the middle of January and we barely sneezed into the new year.
But the gratitude continues!

We Have a Venue!  -  Well I am very excited and grateful that one of my friend's aunts is willing to let Dann & I use her barn for our nuptials.  This is fantastic because I am already aggravated with planning this event!  I will not  be surprised if we end up in the courthouse! But right now we have a spot to be married and a date!  And, lucky me, I even have a groom.

Board Games - For reals,  I love playing games.  I bug Dann all the time to play games on the iPad.  He usually cries when he loses but I don't really care because I love to win.  I did get my butt handed to me this weekend but that is because I was playing nice. That won't happen again :)

Daniel J. McLaughlin -  He's Dann's best friend and best man.  I'm grateful for Danny because he is an excellent friend to Dann and also he keeps Dann & I in check, which is not something that many people can do. And he was sort of the worst player at Monopoly :)

Rides To and From Airports -  I must say it is quite a pain to be driving to and from airports just to pick someone up or drop someone off.  It is even worse when the airport is a distance away.  Thankfully our parents do not mind picking up our behinds from the airports and then taking us back when we decide that we are bored with a country.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - If you don't know this by now, then I should tell you:  I love video games.  I am two sleepless gamed nights away from being deemed a video game nerd and that is okay with me.  I don't know if you're lucky enough to have played this game on the N64 then you know how incredibly excited I am to have this for the DS.  It keeps the boring days here less boring.

What are you thankful for?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Thankful Thursday!

Without darkness, there can be no light.

Hello wonderful friends. I cannot lie and pretend that this will be a happy post. I will try to find something pleasant to write about but no promises.  On New Year's Eve a very best friend of mine lost her mother after a brief sickness. To be blunt - this sucks. However, I think it is important to express gratitude especially at a time like this so here we go...

Straightforwardness, Compassion, and Empathy - The doctors and nurses at CMC were outstanding for Krissy and her family. For a good five days they gave it their all and also kept Krissy's family updated even if the news wasn't good.  The direct questions that Krissy asked were answered honestly instead of giving her false hope. I sat in the waiting room with Krissy the last day that her mom was alive and the nurses that came out had a great amount of compassion and empathy in their eyes.  The nurses, that I saw, were close to our age, their moms probably were older but I think when you are anywhere near someone who loses someone, in this case a mom, you cannot help but feel for them.  I am sure that the staff in the I.C.U. are not strangers to death but after days of trying to save this lady, I saw sadness in their eyes when they came to tell Krissy's family that this was it, the battle had been lost.  Although I love him, I am glad the doctors and nurses weren't all Dr. House about it. Tough news is tough either way but delivered in a kind manner makes the burden a bit easier to bare.

Bad Days - This has been a crazy month and the last few days have left me exhausted. Unfortunately, when I am tired like this it isn't a normal grumpy, sleepy tired. It's a craptastic day filled with weak muscles and how-the-fork-am-I-going-to-get-from-one-seat-to-another-seat tired. Those days are quite...  craptastic. But I am sort of grateful for them as they remind me that I can look forward to a better day.  I know it won't be the next day or even the day after that; I also know that in four or five days I'll be feeling okay again.

Sleep - I skipped out on TT last night because, as I said earlier, I am exhausted.  I went to bed far before Dann and I have no idea of when he actually came into bed so that means I was out cold. It is a rare occasion that I am asleep before 12 and I think that might have been the case last night. My last text was from Krissy and my phone just tells me it was from yesterday.  Didn't even know that I got it so I was definitely fast asleep.  I so desperately needed and I am grateful for the whole nine hours I was in Dream Land. 

Dinner Dates With Friends - You know it's just fun to laugh, a wholehearted, spit your food out of your mouth, watch your friend choke on coffee laugh.  This usually happens when my friends go out to eat and I love it.  It probably the thing I miss the most when I am in Liverpool.    

What are you thankful for?