Hello world! I am sorry for the skipping of the TT last week but truth be told it wasn't a good week. Not that I didn't have things to be thankful for but I just didn't want to pester you with my misery. This week has been a bit better, minus the 24 hour headache that has finally stopped. Nevertheless, life goes on and so must
the gratitude. This week's winners are...
Food From Home - I can tell you that I do not have an appetite for anything over here but the second I think of DeeJay's pizza or soup from Fratelli's my mouth starts to water. I hope that my appetite is out of this world when I go home and that the thought of food in my mouth no longer turns my stomach. And stuffing! OMG, stuffing!
My Sense of Humor - If you can't laugh at yourself then you are in pretty rough shape for really tough times. This isn't even a really tough time in the grand scheme of things, I know. But right now, it is really difficult and complex. As soon as one thing stops to hurt another thing starts. (STOPS TO HURT? WHAT??!) As soon as one thing stops hurting another thing starts. I mean I laugh at myself all of the time but when my sciatic nerve began to bother me on both sides, I just lost it. Of course this kid of mine would aggravate the biggest nerve in the body. By the way, Pip is only the size of a quarter! How could something so small cause so much chaos?! I think he/she will be the first baby grounded from the get go :)
Daily Deals from the Scranton Times - Or other companies like that. A few weeks ago Fratelli's was on offer. So it's like you pay $10 for a $20 gift certificate to Fratelli's. My brother got me some and I cannot wait to gobble that up.
Gingerbread Men - So it is true, ginger does help an upset belly. Mint has failed me and a whole bunch of other things as given no relief but Dann found cute little bite-sized gingerbread men that hit the spot. Yep, I keep them on the side of my bed and much on them during the night. The funny part is that I hate ginger. I think it burns my tongue. Well, now ginger and I are best friends. Ha. I had a dog named Ginger. She was my best friend!
Apple Care - So Dann and I have this habit of kicking each other's laptops off of the bed. I've learned to not leave mine on the bed and until last week Dann liked to put his laptop wherever my feet were. Late last Wednesday night it just went sailing off of the bed. Since it happens all of the time we didn't really think anything of it. He picked up his laptop about 45 minutes after the incident and the screen wouldn't turn on. It was terrible. As if either one of us have the money replace anything on a mac. I cried my little eyes out. He did buy the three year warranty but when I asked him when he got it he wasn't sure and it made me cry harder. There wasn't an appointment at the Genius Bar for a week so I had to wait a whole week in hopes that they would be able to fix it. And they were able to fix it for free!! Oh thank goodness! It would have cost us 450 POUNDS to fix that. If you convert that to dollars, I could buy a whole new laptop and a half. I'm a good shopper. :)
What are you thankful for?