Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thankful Thursday !

I'll have to come up with a new title because, let's face it, I am lucky if I get a TT out never mind making sure it's on a Thursday.

I must tell you the being a mom is hard but it's worth it and I am thankful.  Goodness, am I thankful! I often think of when I was unsure that I'd see these days and I just can't believe I made it.  If that doesn't fill me (and maybe you?) with gratitude then I don't know what would.

Anyway, it's long overdue and I have a list of people to thank.

Rebekah G - She was kind enough to meet Dann at the airport so that I didn't have to go get him and so that he wasn't prancing around Philadelphia on his own. She took him to the train station and made sure he got a bite to eat. I haven't seen Rebekah since high school and she absolutely volunteered to do me this huge favor.  She even made Dann a super awesome sign.  It saved me so much chaos and the I avoided the fiasco of the Surekyll.  I will remember her kindness forever.   Thank you, Beka.

Emily C. - Emily is another friend from high school.  Right before Dann came home for Christmas, I learned that Lennon's probiotics could not be found anywhere.  Emily contacted me via Facebook to tell me she had some that her son could not use because he, like Lennon ended up to be, was allergic to everything.  Emily was thoughtful and generous enough to drop off the probiotics where I was getting my hair done!  I just couldn't believe the amount of goodwill that I was experiencing this Christmas!

Donna and Stefanie - So there was a massive water main break last week and the water company though that we might have our water turned off - 8,000 people did get it turned off.  Thankfully it didn't reach up as far as us when the water was turned off, but Stefanie and Donna both dropped everything and went out to get water for Lennon and bottled water for me.  Remarkable!

That Random Couple -  Dann, Lennon, and I were picking up a layaway at K-Mart on December 21. Two things - I hate layaway and I hate K-Mart. Two more things: with  Jacob here often and Levi here even more I absolutely had to hid their gifts that were from me as long as possible; I hate Walmart even more than I hate the Big K.So there we there the three of us were.  Lennon was decked out in Batman gear and I was going over in my head how irritated I was by comments said by someone on television and that I was stuck in a layaway line.   So these two people come up to me. At this point I'm convinced I'm going to get robbed or they're trying to kidnap Lennon because Dann was gone to get a cart (he wasn't that far) and I am sure I am do not look as tough and strong as I am. Yeah, the lady comes says to me "Is this layaway?"  I said, "Yes," instead of saying something smart.  She walked away and I went back to talking to Lennon.  She then came back over and asked, "Are you waiting for layaway?" I said, "Yes, I am."  She then said to the guy who she was with, "Yes, she is." Then suddenly the man comes back up to me and the lady says, "We want to give this to you," as he is handing me a $20 bill. I say, "Oh, no.  I can't accept that," with a smile.  "Yes, please. Someone did this for us.  Let us do it for you," The gentleman says back to me.  After another couple of "No, I can'ts" and a few more "Please. You have tos" I ended up taking the money and giving him a hug with tears in my eyes.  Not because of the money but because of that goodwill toward men that I thought was so absent in society anymore. As I took it from the gentleman I could clearly tell it was more than just one paper bill in there.    The man in front of me mentioned how it was nice to see that people still do that clenching to the money.  I didn't know what to do.  Do I look at it? What if there's some sort of poison on it?  Ah.  I said to Dann, "There's more than twenty bucks here."  I opened the wad of cash (it really was a wad!)  I was actually speechless when I saw how much money was there!  There was $100 in cash in my hand!  That some complete stranger handed us.  I am so grateful to that couple.  I passed the Random Act of Kindness on.  I am grateful for the money being handed to me, but also grateful to be able to pass it on and watch the people getting my Random Act of Kindness!  I am pretty sure that I spent close to the $100 just to see other's faces!

What are you thankful for?