Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An Eye For An Eye Makes The Whole World Blind...

     It isn't a secret that the world is a mess.  We all have our priorities mixed with desires and that makes the majority of the world greedy. ( I am not immune to this I have my own wants and desires. However, they are really not material things that I want.)  I can't stand that the value of money is higher than the value of life. It is disgusting to really see that people are being hurt or killed over money or religion or other sillier things.  For example, a man in the Scranton area was beaten with a pitchfork and a brick over Philly cheesesteaks.  That's just not human.  Or maybe it is human and we are all savages at heart.
     This is what started this blog:  I was reading an article about Troy Davis  you can read about it here .  This man is sentenced to death for a crime that he MAY have committed. In a case where the physical evidence is lacking and in a case where seven out of nine witnesses recanted their testimony, I hardly think a sentence of death is justifiable.  From what I researched there is no DNA evidence but there are three people who said that they know Troy is not the man who killed the police officer and from what I understand they know who actually shot the man (which is what isn't making sense to me). The whole situation is heartbreaking. A man who has already served time in jail for a crime that he really may not have committed may also lose his life because the justice system is failing him.  I am not saying he is innocent. I am saying there is a chance he might be innocent.  Either way there is no reason to take a chance with Death.   Death is forever. Death is unforgiving. Death doesn't get an appeal.
      I imagine right about here is I am going to make many people upset. The idea of the Death Penalty makes me sick.  Equally sick as the crimes that are committed make me. I don't understand how we can justify killing someone for killing someone.  What are we telling our future generations? Now, I know that the families of the victims of these crimes are allowed to feel whatever they way they want to feel. I wouldn't ever try deny those rights to those families.  I cannot imagine the anger I would feel if someone hurt one of my friends or a member of my family.  But I am certain that killing the "attacker" would not bring my loved one back.  I personally would love to have the person rot in prison with pictures of the victim all around their cell. I KNOW THE TAX DOLLARS! Because holy crap we aren't wasting enough tax money on things that we don't need to be spending money on like, I don't know, war, solving problems in other countries without lifting a finger to our own (anyway that is another blog). It's just when does the killing stop then? It's a shame that one person had to be taken away from their family but to have another one?  Everyone is somebody's child and killing other people's sons and daughters is not the answer to cutting down on crime. (I know, the parents of the murdered would want the murderer dead.  All understandable, but not acceptable. Not humane).  I just think it's sad that we think killing somehow compensates for killing. What do I know?  I'm just a damn hippie. 

Here is what made me want to post something about the death penalty:

“It sounds terrible but I can close this book,” she said. “I can finally get peace. I can never get closure, but I can get peace,”  Anneliese MacPhail (the victim's daughter).

How does someone dying give another person peace?  It doesn't bring her dad back. Both of my parents are alive and well (hopefully, the Universe keeps it that way). Maybe that is why I do not understand where she is coming from?  However, I think that my parents (I don't know how they feel about the death penalty) raised me and turned me into the person that I am today by instilling their values and morals in me.  I can't imagine that they would want me to seek vengeance for their death by having another person die. 

I don't know. I just think it's contradictory to punish a man by killing him for killing another man.

Of course you can leave comments if you want but I assure you this is not something I am going to argue about because we all have the freedoms to think what we want.  :)

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