Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.  -- Willie Nelson

My bed - I know that most people are probably grateful that they have a bed, but no one is as grateful as I am for a bed that is 3,500 miles away from me.  The bed I am currently hibernating in is smaller than our twin beds.  Seriously, I don’t even think this bed has enough room for Jacob.  Many nights, I think of my $75 queen size bed that I bought from a woman whose daughter moved out before she could have used it.  For anyone who wants to know what it is like to sleep in Heaven, I have your ticket. I cannot wait to sleep in that bed again. I don’t know when that will be as it is in my mother’s garage right now. But I know it is as grateful for me as I am for it.

Kraft Mac & Cheese – You wouldn’t imagine that you would be grateful for something as simple as Kraft Mac & Cheese until you realize that it isn’t as simple as you thought! The M&C here is not so great.  I’ve tried many different brands and nothing does it for me like the cheesiest M&C in all of the land.  The American store in town gets it in once in a while and when they don’t have it I get extraordinarily sad.  Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night and I was starving.  Lucky for me, Dan bought two boxes on Monday while I was in class! Nothing is better than M&C at two a.m.  So to you Kraft, you’re the best. Dan, you’re not so bad yourself.    J

Guitars – No joke.  I think guitars are something that I am most grateful for!  Imagine my life without guitars!  How empty it would be!  I go to The Cavern Club every Sunday to see The Shakers and every week I find myself just staring at their hands as they play theirs guitars.  I claim I am a fan of words in songs but I believe I am an equal fan of guitars.  I mean, without a guitar, who would Mr. Lennon be?!   

My Ability to Work under Pressure - Some people crack under pressure.  Some people see deadlines and they freak out with anxiety even if the deadline is three months from the current time.  But then there is Autumn Rose!  I am awesome under pressure!  I am so grateful for that!  I had to do a presentation today. Although I have thought about it for the last two months, I didn’t really start it until today and it was due at 5:30 this evening.  I am freaking awesome!  So for you, ability to work under pressure I am thankful. Procrastination, you will never make it in this blog.  

Alex in Flat 2C - makes me smile a huge smile!  He is so funny and kind.  If I ever need a laugh he is the guy to call!  Alex is kind hearted and whenever I may be upset, I know I can call him and he will listen to me.   He is very kind and accepts everyone for who they are.  The world could use more people like him.  So, Alex, you are the honorary person I am thankful for this week.

What are you thankful for? 

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