Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday!

Hello Wonderful Folks of CyberCity! I hope you are well.  I know I am slacking on the posting but I'll confess as to why:  It hurts my back to sit on this for too long, no matter how I sit or lay it hurts.  But I will must through it because this week I need to express gratitude.

The Brilliance of Medical Advances -  Even though they aren't that advance in the big picture.  On Monday, for the first time ever, I was able to hear Pip's heartbeat!  I couldn't get over the sound of his little heart beating so fast and strong.  He was kicking around, naturally, but I was more amazed by the sound of his heart.  The woman didn't know that I hadn't heard his heartbeat (alliteration) yet, she showed me his heart beating but then she turned the sound up (I'm a worry wart and she probably saw it on my face) and there it was!  I started to cry immediately (and I cried again the next day when I heard it). He's just so perfect already and I am so thankful I got to finally hear his heartbeat.

My Family (and Friends) Are Safe and Sound -  The ridiculous, cowardly, and unthinkable act of violence that happened in Boston terrified me.  I have friends and family up there and I am so very happy that they are safe.   A friend of mine was actually running the marathon and left twenty minutes before the explosion.  I can't even think of the luck that she has and I am so grateful for it. My heart goes out to all of those affected by the senseless act of violence.  Another note, although it isn't a act of terror or violence, it already appears to be more fatal and harmful than Boston, is the explosion in Texas.  My friend has family and in-laws in the immediate area.  So far they are safe and I would like to thank the universe in advance for it's cooperation in making sure that there aren't any more fatalities in this matter!

I'm in Pain -  I mean I am not happy I am in pain but in my mind I tell myself that I am in pain so that must mean Pip will not be in pain and is not in pain.  I'd rather be in unmeasurable amounts of pain than for Pip to feel any.  So I will take it.

The Weather is Finally Warm and Sunny! -  There is no need to explain my gratitude for this one.

Ice Packs -  They aren't that helpful in the big picture but a little relief is okay.   So for those icy packs of goodness, thank you.

What are you thankful for?

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